
  • 网络I Want to Grow Up
  1. 我想长大后当飞行员。

    I want to be a pilot when I grow up .

  2. 高中生DoryBennett说,她认为有必要削减开支,以保持经济增长,让美国梦继续做下去。DoryBennett:“我想长大,想上大学,想有一份好工作,想有孩子,还想要一条狗和一个房子。”

    High school student Dory Bennett says she thinks spending cuts are needed to keep the economy growing and keep the American dream alive . DORY BENNETT : " I want to grow up , go to college , get a good job , have kids maybe , a dog and a house . "

  3. 我想长大后和她一样受欢迎。

    I want to be as popular as she when I grow up .

  4. 所以我就想长大后成为一名诗人。

    So I wanted to be a poet when I grew up .

  5. 我一直想长大,找一份工作孝顺我妈妈。

    I always wanted to grow up and earn a living out of respect for my mum , mainly .

  6. 我想他长大之后会慢慢变好看,或者到了适当的时机,也有可能缩小一点。

    I may say even a bit better ! I fancy he will grow prettier , or perhaps somewhat smaller , in time .

  7. 孩提时代,我总是想长大后要做个旅行家,不过那只是一个孩子的白日梦而已。

    When I was a child , I used to imagine myself to be a traveler in future , but that was only a day dream of a boy .

  8. 我不想吞下长大的药丸,发现事情都跟从前不一样。

    I did not want to swallow the grow-up pill and see anything different .

  9. 知道吗?我想你已经长大了,该换个发式了。

    You know what ? I think you 're old enough to have a new hairdo .

  10. 我想当我长大后能呆在石家庄,因为我的父母住在这儿。

    I want to stay in Shijiazhuang when I 'm older , because my mother and father live here .

  11. 它们都太漂亮了,我真想快点长大,就能戴这些美丽的首饰了。

    It 's all so pretty . I can 't wait till I grow up so I can have beautiful things .

  12. 我想等他长大了会变成一个作家…或是一个哲学家…或者做一些和他的孤独感有关的特别的事情。

    I think when he grows up , he 's going to be a writer ... or philosopher ... or do something really special with all of that solitude .

  13. 瑞贝卡:我从小就想自己长大以后要当消防员。

    Rebecca : I wanted to be a firefighter when I grew up .

  14. 我不想承认我长大了这个事实。

    I don 't want to admit that I grow up this fact .

  15. 我不想我闺女长大会崇拜一个小脱衣舞女。

    I don 't want my daughter to grow up and worship a tiny stripper .

  16. 我只是想,我长大了就不用再担心这个了。

    I figured as an adult , I wouldn 't have to worry about it .

  17. 我原想等你长大点的时候再跟你解释这件事的,我懊悔我把它拖延下来了。

    I meant to explain this some time as you grew older , and I 'm sorry I delayed it . '

  18. 我想,在你长大之前,我还能再抱你一次吧,并告诉你我永远爱你,这样,你便不会忘却

    I guess that I can hold you one more time before you grow and tell you that I love you so that you will always know

  19. 你也知道我不想打仗,我想看着儿子长大。

    You know I don 't want to fight . I want to see my son grow tall .

  20. 我只想作一个小孩,我不想长大!

    I don 't wanna be grewing up !

  21. 我儿子唯一的兴趣似乎是摩托车,不过我想他长大后会抛弃的。

    My son 's only interest seems to be motorbikes , but I suppose he will grow out of it .

  22. 我希望至少有一个男孩,因为我想看着你再长大一遍。

    I hope we have one boy , at least , because I want to see you growing up all over again .

  23. 从我还是个小女孩起,我就喜欢看犯罪和侦探小说,所以我想当我长大后开始写小说是很正常的。

    Ever since I was a little girl , I 've loved reading crime and detective novels , so I guess it was pretty normal that I started writing them when I was older .