
  • 网络Me;i ah
  1. 说实话,你事先应该告诉我呀!

    Honestly , you might have told me !

  2. “你怎么没告诉我呀,阿奇?”——“因为你可能会一不小心说了出去。”

    ' Why didn 't you tell me , Archie ? ' — ' Because you might have casually mentioned it to somebody else . '

  3. 瞪什么?凶我呀?

    What are you staring at ? I 'm not scared !

  4. 打我呀,就像上次那样打。

    Then hit me , just like you did last time .

  5. 你有点担心我呀对吧

    You 're kinda worried about me , aren 't you ?

  6. 多开心的我呀!多棒的朋友呀!

    How happy I am ! How nice my friend is !

  7. 怎么又是我呀?杰克坐在那儿什么都没做。

    Why me ? & Jack is sitting there doing nothing .

  8. 她全然不象个杀人魔那样袭击我呀。

    She didn 't exactly strike me as a killer .

  9. 没有,你没把钱包给我呀。

    No , you didn 't give me your wallet .

  10. 我呀,倒不在乎什么节不节的。

    For me , I really don 't care much about holidays .

  11. 我呀,觉得马帮太辛苦了。

    I felt the caravan 's life is too tough .

  12. 是我呀中央公园的狮子艾力克斯

    It 's me , Alex the lion . From Central Park .

  13. 你说喜欢我呀,我相信。

    You say you like me . I believe it .

  14. 别跑!”青蛙大声叫道,“带上我呀!

    " Take me with you ," cried the frog .

  15. 我呀?我听说这束河古镇。

    Me ? I heard the ancient town , Shuhe .

  16. 邦尼:妈妈,爸爸,看我呀!

    BONNIE : Mommy , Daddy , watch me !

  17. 得,您先歇会儿吧。我呀还是去问韩佳吧。

    Oh , no bother . I 'd better go ask Han Jia .

  18. 你应该之前就告诉我呀。

    You know , you could have told me .

  19. 过来捉我呀,你这个老东西。

    Come and get me , you old codfish !

  20. 你想办法胜过我呀、

    You tried to get the best of me .

  21. 别看我呀我只是个跟班头说了算

    Don 't look at me . I 'm just following the leader !

  22. 没人告诉我呀。-----

    No one told me about anything about it .

  23. 哥儿们,你们究竟想不想宴请我呀?

    Are you chaps giving me dinner or not ?

  24. 怎么大牛,你是不是羡慕我呀?

    Daniel , you must envious of me !

  25. 谁能出来帮帮我呀?

    Who can come out to help me ?

  26. 你可真信任我呀,莫伊拉。

    That 's , uh , a lot to confide in me , Moira .

  27. 这可难不倒我呀!

    You can 't baffle me with that !

  28. 那你要怎么谢我呀?

    How are you going to thank me ?

  29. “你能不能告诉我呀?”他指着小墨菲问道。

    " Can 't you tell me ?" he said , pointing to young Murphy .

  30. 哦,你是在夸我呀!

    Oh , you 're praising me !