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  • 名词/动词jog;go jogging;amble;canter
  1. 他们开始沿着一条又一条的街道慢跑。

    They set off at a jog up one street and down another

  2. 第二天早晨我一大早起来去慢跑。

    I got up early the next morning to jog

  3. 她骑着马慢跑出发。

    She set off at a canter .

  4. 我们骑着马沿海滩慢跑。

    We cantered along the beach .

  5. 我觉得慢跑锻炼很使人着迷。

    I find jogging very addictive .

  6. 我开始在公园里慢跑,后来逐渐增加到一天跑五英里。

    I began by jogging in the park and worked up to running five miles a day .

  7. 我认为像慢跑、举重这样的运动不符合自然规律。

    I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting as unnatural

  8. 选手们慢跑进入竞技场,为闭幕式画上了句号。

    The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony .

  9. 艾伦抓住缰绳,小马开始慢跑起来。

    Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting

  10. 快走比慢跑能消耗更多的热量。

    Brisk walking burns up more calories than slow jogging .

  11. 先慢跑热热身,免得拉伤肌肉。

    Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging .

  12. 几年前慢跑很流行。

    A few years ago jogging was the in thing

  13. 他们低着头,一言不发地慢跑了一会儿,步伐也不一致。

    They jogged in silence a while , faces lowered , out of step

  14. 她身穿一套裤腿两边有白色条纹的亮绿色慢跑服。

    She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides

  15. 我的身体面临的唯一风险就是可能被众多慢跑者中的某一位撞倒。

    The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers

  16. 她纵身一跃骑上了马背,绕着场地策马慢跑。

    She leaps in one bound onto her pony 's back for a speedy canter around the ring

  17. 很多学生还通过慢跑、有氧体操、负重训练等方式来健身。

    Many students are also keeping fit through jogging , aerobics , weight training , and the like .

  18. “妈妈,为什么不穿你的慢跑短裤呢?”——“哦,如果你非要问的话,因为我的腿太瘦了。”

    ' Why don 't you wear your jogging shorts Mum ? ' — ' Well , my legs are too skinny , if you must know . '

  19. 她每天早上绕公园慢跑半小时。

    She jogs round the park for half an hour every morning .

  20. 我今天早上看到在公园里有个人慢跑,是你吗?

    Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning ?

  21. 牛群一闻到青草的芳香,就开始慢跑起来。

    As soon as they smelled grass , the cows broke into a trot .

  22. 我们骑着马慢跑了几英里。

    We cantered our horses for several miles .

  23. 慢跑可以强壮身体。

    Jogging can improve one 's health .

  24. 你可以看到好几个商人为了健身每天早晨在公园里慢跑。

    You can see several businessmen jogging along in the park every morning for their health .

  25. 计划一起去慢跑。

    Plan to go for a jog together .

  26. 每天早晨我在公园里慢跑。

    I go for a jog in the park every morning .

  27. 锻炼身体的最好办法是慢跑。

    There is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise .

  28. 这骑手骑着马在小路上慢跑。

    The riders came trotting down the lane .

  29. 你多久慢跑一次?

    How often do you go jogging ?

  30. 每天早晨他都喜欢慢跑。

    Every morning he likes jogging .