
màn ɡōnɡ chū xì huó
  • 熟语soft fire makes sweet malt;slow work yields fine products
  1. 我们有许多工作要做,俗话说:慢工出细活,这样才不会把卡片搞砸了。

    We have a lot of work to do , and we have to work slowly so we don 't make a big mess .

  2. 确实,许多年轻的办公室情侣都在试着慢工出细活,转向费时费力地发展长期关系,原因是他们都知道自己的生计面临风险。

    Indeed , many young office daters are taking things slowly & reverting to painstaking relationship-building because they know their livelihoods are at risk .

  3. 许导演的特长――慢工出细活,给予思想上的回旋余地,角色的沉默寡言和电影剧情的高涨。

    Director Heo 's specialties-his craft in slowing down time , giving leeway for thoughts and the taciturnity of characters , soars in this movie .