
  • 网络Anemia of Chronic Disease;ACD;anemia of chronic disease,ACD
  1. 重组人促红细胞生成素和铁剂治疗慢性病贫血的临床研究

    The clinical study of rhEPO and iron in treatment of ACD

  2. 目的:1建立慢性病贫血(ACD)的大鼠动物模型,为进一步研究ACD的发病机制打下基础。

    Objective 1 To establish a rat model of anemia of chronic disease ( ACD ) and lay a foundation for further studying pathogenesis of ACD ;

  3. 结果:所分析的患者中,贫血发病率较高,占69.2%,主要为慢性病贫血(Anemiaofchronicdisease,ACD);

    Results : The morbidity of anemia is 69.2 % in these clinical active RA patients , especially anemia of chronic disease ( ACD ) .

  4. 结论成功建立慢性病贫血大鼠模型,NO在ACD大鼠关节炎及铁代谢紊乱中起重要作用。

    Conclusion NO plays an important role in the disorder of iron metabolism in the ACD rat by establishing of the model of ACD rat successful-ly .

  5. 目的在建立慢性病贫血(ACD)大鼠动物模型的基础上,探讨一氧化氮(NO)与关节炎及贫血的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between nitric oxide ( NO ) and anemia on the basis of establishing the rat model of anemia of chronic disease ( ACD ) .

  6. 目的建立检测大鼠骨髓细胞转铁蛋白受体(TfR)的免疫细胞化学法,应用于大鼠慢性病贫血动物模型。

    Objective To establish an immunocytochemistry method for detection of transferrin receptor ( CD71 ) in rat bone marrow and apply for detecting rat of anemia of chronic disease .

  7. 目的探讨一氧化氮(NO)、铁调节蛋白(IRP)在慢性病贫血(ACD)大鼠肝组织铁代谢紊乱中的调节作用。

    Objective To investigate the regulatory effect of Nitrogen Oxide ( NO ) and Iron Regulatory Protein ( IRP ) on the iron metabolism disorder in the livers of rats with Anemia of Chronic Disease ( ACD ) .

  8. 目的比较各项铁指标在慢性病贫血(ACD),缺铁性贫血(IDA)及ACD合并IDA中的变化规律,明确血清转铁蛋白受体(sTfR)的临床意义。

    Objective To study the clinical significance of the serum transferrin receptor ( sTfR ) and ferritin in distinguishing between iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ), anemia of chronic disease ( ACD ) and ACD with complicating IDA ( ACD-IDA ) .

  9. 白介素-6在大鼠慢性病贫血发病机制中的相关研究

    Related Research on Interleukin-6 in Anemia of Chronic Diseases of Pathogenesis

  10. 慢性病贫血患者细胞因子变化的研究

    Study on cytokines in patients with anemia of chronic diseases

  11. 慢性病贫血病人的多项指标评价

    Comprehensive evaluation in the patients with anemia of chronic disease

  12. 吗啡依赖和慢性病贫血的关系

    Relationship between Morphine Dependence and Anemia of Chronic Disease

  13. 一氧化氮对慢性病贫血大鼠铁代谢影响

    Effect of Nitric Oxide on Iron Metabolism in Rats with Anemia of Chronic Disease

  14. 结论:慢性病贫血病人半数以上存在缺铁。

    Conclusions : Half of the patients with anemia of chronic diseases had iron deficiency .

  15. 铁代谢指标测定对慢性病贫血并发缺铁的诊断意义

    The significance of peripheral iron parameters used in diagnosing anemia of chronic disease complicated with iron deficiency

  16. 慢性病贫血骨髓细胞学及病理学改变的观察研究

    Studies on the cytological and pathological changes of bone marrow in patients with anemia of chronic disease

  17. 肿瘤坏死因子-α、白介素-6和红细胞生成素与小儿慢性病贫血的相关性分析

    Exploration on the association between cytokines TNF - α、 IL-6 、 EPO and anemia of chronic diseases in children

  18. 铁调节蛋白在慢性病贫血大鼠肝脏铁代谢紊乱中的作用

    Impact of Iron Regulatory Protein on the Iron Metabolism Disorder in the Livers of Rats with Anemia of Chronic Disease

  19. 红细胞参数及铁代谢指标在鉴别缺铁性贫血与慢性病贫血中的临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of Red Blood Cell Parameters and Iron Metabolism Index in the Differential Diagnosis Between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Anemia of Chronic Disease

  20. 目的:评估血清转铁蛋白受体在慢性病贫血伴缺铁病人中的意义和诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the significance and diagnostic value of serum transferring receptor ( sTfR ) in patients with anemia of chronic diseases accompanied with iron deficiency .

  21. 慢性病贫血患儿肿瘤坏死因子α、白介素6与红细胞生成素的关系

    Relationship between tumor necrosis factor alpha , interleukin-6 and erythropoietin in children ′ s with chronic anemia and influence of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor alpha on erythropoietin gene expression

  22. 如何提高患者生存质量,延长患者生存期,是人们关心的问题,因此慢性病贫血的发病机制成为当前研究的重点。

    People are concerned about the questions , how to improve the quality of life of the patients and prolong survival time of patients . Therefore the pathogenesis of anemia of chronic disease has become the focus of the study .

  23. 慢性病性贫血具有很多适应性生理反应的特点;

    Anemia of chronic disease has the characteristics of an adaptive physiologic response .

  24. 对轻至中度慢性病性贫血的治疗反而增加病死率。

    Treatment of mild to moderate anemia of chronic disease appears to increase mortality .

  25. 慢性病性贫血的研究进展

    Advances in the Anemia of Chronic Disease

  26. 老年冠心病合并慢性肾脏病患者贫血的患病率很高,常常导致不良预后。

    The incidence of anemia in elderly patients with CKD and CAD is very high , and lead to adverse outcomes .