
gǎn xìng
  • inductive;perceptual;nastic
感性 [gǎn xìng]
  • [perceptual] 感官知觉。尤指内容或方向倾向美学或感情方面的

  • 难道理智会屈服于单纯的感性吗?

感性[gǎn xìng]
  1. 首先,提出了一种基于DSP(TMS320F2812)的感性移相PWM&PFM的设计方案。

    First , based on DSP a design scheme of perceptual phase-shifting PWM & PFM was proposed .

  2. 第二部分,VIS设计中品牌设计的内涵与外延,从理性认识和感性认识两个方面来深度剖析VIS设计对品牌的重要影响,从而树立起品牌独特的形象特征。

    The second part of the connotation and denotation of the VIS , design , brand design , from rational knowledge and perceptual depth analysis of the VIS design brand , thus establishing a unique brand image characteristics .

  3. 她是个感性的人,不太理性。

    She was a creature of the emotions , rather than reason .

  4. 同时,那些有感性需求、要求优秀的人际沟通能力的工作不会被人工智能所取代。

    Meanwhile , jobs that require feelings , excellent communication skills with people will not be replacedby AI .

  5. 一个温柔、浪漫和感性的故事。

    A gentle , romantic and sensual story .

  6. “食忆录”也有更感性的方式,作者在文中开启一段感人历程,返回老家寻根,其中很多也有菜谱。

    In more sentimental2 varieties of the foodoir , the author embarks3 on an emotional journey , returning to his or her ancestor ’ s roots . Many have recipes , too .

  7. 急性脑梗死患者颈动脉斑块与血清高敏感性C反应蛋白和IL-6的关系

    Correlation of carotid plaque , serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 levels in patients with acute cerebral infarction

  8. 依据分析结果数据,产生2D或3D的意象尺度图,便于设计师把握各种产品的感性意象信息。

    2D or 3D image scale graph is achieved . More convenient for designers to comprehend the product Kansei image information .

  9. 交感性眼炎患者具有一定的遗传倾向,与宿主的HLA状态存在某种关联性。

    Sympathetic ophthalmia patients have a genetic predisposition . There is an association between sympathetic ophthalmia and the HLA status of the host .

  10. IBS的病理生理学改变主要为胃肠道动力异常、内脏高敏感性和神经内分泌调节紊乱。

    The chief change of morbid physiology is the abnormal-stomach intestine dynamia 、 the visceral hypersensitivity and the derangement of nerve-endocrine secretion .

  11. 结论马来酸曲美布汀能改善幼鼠IBS肠黏膜上皮细胞功能,抑制其内脏高敏感性。

    Conclusion Trimebutine maleate can inhibit the visceral hypersensitivity and improve the function of the intestinal epithelial cells in IBS young rats .

  12. 原型能够极大地激发设计师的创造性设计灵感,可以有效地作为设计师进行造型设计的语义启动的诱发物(Trigger),来辅助设计师寻找隐藏于感性下的理性归纳的依据。

    Meanwhile , prototype can greatly inspire designers with creative inspiration , and help designers to search logical induction hidden behind their sensibility as a trigger starting up semantic knowledge in form design .

  13. SVC通过调节晶闸管的触发角,可以实现电抗值从容性到感性的较大范围内连续调节,可以控制系统的电压、阻尼低频振荡、提高系统的稳定性等。

    Thus , it can control the voltage of the power system , damp the low frequency oscillation and enhance the system stability , and so on .

  14. 目的探讨MTHFR基因热敏感性多态性在非综合征性唇腭裂(NSCL/P)发病以及遗传易感性中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of MTHFR thermolabile polymorphism on genetic susceptibility of NSCL / P in north China population .

  15. 本文在研究UPS冗余并联系统带阻性负载的基础上,首次深入分析了UPS冗余并联系统带感性负载和整流性负载的情况,利用MATLAB进行仿真,同时给出不同负载下系统的仿真模型和波形。

    The thesis based on the redundant parallel operation of UPS with resistor analyses the operations of system with inductor and rectifier bridge load at first . The thesis gives the MATLAB simulation models and waveforms of the different loads .

  16. 结论便携式睡眠监测仪对诊断OSAS有高敏感性,尤其对重度OSAS的诊断更为准确,适合于临床常规诊断。

    Conclusions In the diagnosis of OSAS , the portable sleep monitor is highly sensible and more exact especially for severe OSAS , and therefore suitable for routing clinical diagnosis .

  17. 为实现网络对抗中预警系统的高敏感性和协同特性,文章将基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)的思想引入到预警系统中,设计了一种新的预警协议。

    By introducing the idea of Role-Based Access Control ( RBAC ) into early warning system , a new early warning protocol is designed to have high sensitive and cooperative property in network countermeasure .

  18. 目的:观察替加色罗治疗内脏高敏感性大鼠前后的脊髓诱发电位(SEP)和脑诱发电位(CEP)的变化。

    Objective : To study the changes of spinal evoked potentials ( SEP ) and cerebral evoked potentials ( CEP ) in visceral hypersensitivity rats before and after treated with Tegaserod .

  19. 通过英国西蒙·鲍威尔、FITCH等工业设计的著名公司设计观念变革与设计实践成果的阐述,引深思考现代设计中的观念变革、团队合作精神、产品的感性化设计的作用。

    This paper states the innovation of the design concepts and the achievement of the design practices in the famous industrial design companies such as Seymour Powell Ltd and FITCH etc.

  20. 采用制霉菌素穿孔膜片箝技术,研究了P物质(SubstanceP,SP)对急性分离的大鼠骶髓后连合核神经元士的宁敏感性甘氨酸(glycine,Gly)反应的调控作用。

    The modulatory effect of substance P ( SP ) on strychnine sensitive glycine ( Gly ) response was examined in neurons acutely dissociated from the rat sacral dorsal commissural nucleus ( SDCN ) using nystatin perforated patch recording configuration under voltage clamp conditions .

  21. 背景:食管内脏高敏感性是非糜烂性反流病(NERD)最重要的病理生理特征之一,但引起食管内脏感觉过敏的确切机制仍不甚清楚。

    Background : Esophageal visceral hypersensitivity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of non-erosive reflux disease ( NERD ), but the mechanisms responsible for esophageal hypersensitivity in NERD are poorly understood .

  22. 上述研究表明,本研究成功筛选获得高敏感性及特异性的Myo单克隆抗体。该项研究为建立检测人类心脏疾病,尤其是急性心肌梗塞的临床检测试剂盒的制备奠定了基础。

    Especially , these antibodies could be used for the preparation of detection kit in clinical of acute myocardial infarction to lay the foundation for human heart diseases clinic .

  23. 本部分研究表明,采用抗体夹心抗原捕获法建立的NS1蛋白检测方法具有高敏感性和特异性,可为登革病毒感染提供一种新的实验室诊断方法。

    All these results demonstrated that the established test is sensitive and specific which may lay the basis for providing a novel laboratory diagnosis tool for dengue virus infection .

  24. 通过肠道灌注冰醋酸或芥末油成功建立了新的内脏高敏感性IBS疾病模型,四逆散可通过降低肠道敏感性、改善胃肠电生理活动及降低血清5-HT含量来治疗内脏高敏感性IBS疾病模型大鼠。

    The new visceral hypersensitivity IBS model was successfully established by respectively injecting the acetic acid or mustard into the intestine . Sini San is able to cure model rats by decreasing intestinal sensitivity , improving gastric and enteric electrical activity and decreasing 5-HT in serum .

  25. 传统无功补偿装置很难达到单位功率因数的补偿,STATCOM能连续发出感性或容性无功功率,是提高电力系统稳定性、提高功率因数、改善电能质量有效手段。

    It is hard to compensate reactive power thoroughly by the traditional compensator . Static Synchronous Compensator ( STATCOM ) could supply capacitive reactive power and inductive reactive power continuously , so it can enhance stability of power system and power factor as well as power quality .

  26. 理性一定能战胜感性,我相信自己。

    Reason is sure to conquer perception , I trust myself .

  27. 感性诉求广告创意的新思维

    New thinking on the creative idea of ads of sentimental appeals

  28. 感性:从初级的认知机能到真实的生命存在

    Aesthetic : From the Primitive Cognitive Function to the Real Existence

  29. 注重在政治课的理性思考中融入感性的生动;

    The emotive vitality should be blended with the rational thought .

  30. 感性营销策略&兼谈情侣商品的开发

    Perceptual marketing strategy & On the development of goods for lovers