- 名induced current;faradic current

Magnetic storm may induce Geomagnetic Induced Current in the power grids .
Design of coils in induced current electrical impedance tomography
Induced Current Switching Tests of the Earthing Switches in Type ZFW-500 CIS
This paper mainly describes methods , circuits , results and test condition analysis of induced current switching tests for the earthing switches in ZFW-500 CIS .
Study of HEMP Induced Current in Cables with Finite Length Near the Ground
An Experimental System of Induced-current EIT
Eddy Current Analysis of the Internal Thermal Shield of HT-7U Tokamak
Geomagnetic storms caused by solar activity produce geomagnetic induced currents ( GIC ) .
At the same time , the induction current is produced on the top of arch above the neutral line , and the H_ α flare is formed by Joule dissipation of the current .
High energetic neutral particle beam injection ( NBI ) is one of most important methods for core auxiliary heating and non-inductive current drive of plasma in nuclear fusion devices .
Active EMI filter with feedforward , active EMI filter without current detection sensors installed and active EMI filter for three-phase inverter motor were researched .
Computation of Induction Current in 500 kV Double Circuit
One of the methods to compensate the phase delay , which is caused by rotor current of the levitation winding or digital filter , is to adjust the parameters of the PID controllers or direct compensator .
The harmonic impedance on two sides of converters in HVDC transmission system is important in determinating the harmonics due to GIC ( geomagnetic induced currents ) .
The characteristics of the SOM algorithm is the analysis of the induced current in its space spectrum . The induced current is decomposed into deterministic current and ambiguous current .
The geomagnetism storm in transmission network produces the geomagnetism induction current ( GIC ), which has great influence on safe operation of power system .
As a following step , the spectral method is reviewed intensively , including how to build the spectral equation and how to use Galerkin method solving the inducting current and scattering field .
In this paper , the finite element method is applied to study electromagnetic signals couple in electronic equipments through aperture and interact with the built-in PCB circuit , and further we calculate the induced current in the trace .
In order to get any unit of FSS , the author unfolds the unknown induced currents , by utilizing the rooftop basis function , which is belong to the subdomain basis function .
The equivalent currents at any frequency within the frequency band can then be obtained from the equivalent currents of frequency derivative at given frequency via the Pade approximation .
The eddy current losses in the toroidal field superconducting magnet of the HT-7U tokamak , produced by plasma current and the eddy currents on the vacuum vessel , are analyzed .
Analysis and numerical tests show that the execution time is more effectively reduced with the help of the wavelet transform than the IM method based on the method of the moments hybird physical optics current , and this is useful in the RCS computation .
GIC ( Geomagnetically Induced Current ) and the monopolar ground circuit operation mode or the bipolar asymmetrically mode of HVDC transmission system have grate impact to the transformers with earthed neutral point because direct current will pass by the windings of the transformers .
The computation of induction current of short distance , non conversion 500 kV lines on same tower under various operating conditions by means of EMTP program is described through the computation of induction current of Yangzhou No.
Grounding problems have been explored , the induced current of the main ground grid of the shell and bottom of H-GIS device under high-current has been calculated , the choice method of cross-section is given .
In this paper , computational code MFCG ⅲ of the explosive magnetic field compression generator ( MFCG ) are developed based on the analytic formulas of magnetic field , stream function and induced current for the process of charge and compression .
Is There any Induction Electricity in a Nonclosed Conductor Return Circuit
The donating current varies over time in the first wire .
Induced current in superconducting coils and its effect on dynamic stability
Research on Data Acquisition Technique for Induced Current Electrical Impedance Tomography