
  1. 这一文化系统主要由标识性文化要素、制度规范文化要素以及意识形态文化要素组成。

    It contain the factor of identifier , system and criterion , ideology .

  2. 通俗文化,精英文化,官方意识形态文化三足鼎立,各领风骚。

    That is to say , popular culture , elitist culture and authoritative ideological culture scrambled for readers .

  3. 大众文化不可能在计划经济体制和政治意识形态文化的独语中以历史提前量的方式早产出来。

    Mass culture can 't take place prematurely in the monologue of the planned economy system and the political and ideological culture .

  4. 后者则以大众媒体为载体,是用符号调制传递的生活方式,具有意识形态文化的特征。

    The latter takes media as a carrier , which is a life style transferred by symbol , having the characteristics of ideology culture .

  5. 全球化的发展方向取决于多种力量构成的合力,中国应当发挥社会主义意识形态文化的优势,为全球化朝着正确的方向发展做出贡献。

    For the orientation of this globalization is decided by the joint forces constituted of many forces . China should take advantage of the socialist ideology and make contribution to the development of the globalization .

  6. 由市场经济所催孕的世俗文化,对僵化的传统意识形态文化和伪崇高的精英文化具有天然的瓦解作用,使文化重返民间、走向大众成为一种可能。

    The secular culture activated by market-directed economy plays natural collapsing role in the culture of the rigid traditional ideology and the pseudo-loftiness essence , so makes it possible for the culture to return to the folk , to the masses .

  7. 从研究中国传统文化入手,借助于高一虹的道器理论,本文超越了文化的语言层面,致力于意识形态文化这一文化之道的探究。

    With the help of Gao Yihong 's theory of Tao and qi , the thesis transcends the language level of culture , and devotes itself to the study of ideological culture which can be regarded as the Tao of culture .

  8. 葛兰西在对市民社会作独特理解的基础上,阐释了无产阶级必须掌握意识形态文化领导权、关于阵地战的设想以及有机知识分子思想。

    Gramsci ′ s " civil society " as a ( unique ) understanding of the basis of the interpretation of the proletarian ideology of cultural leadership must grasp on the " trench warfare " and the idea of " organic intellectuals " ideology .

  9. 好莱坞类型电影致力于宣传美国主流意识形态和文化霸权。

    Hollywood genre movies tends to promote the American dominant ideology and cultural hegemony .

  10. 意识形态与文化非常重要,而且或许会在欧元之争中发挥决定性作用。

    Ideology and culture matter , and may be decisive in the battle for the euro .

  11. 意识形态、文化批判与人的解放(上)&西方马克思主义美学的时代使命与历史局限性

    Ideology , cultural critique and human emancipation & Time mission and historical limitations of western Marxism aesthetics

  12. 在改写中起主要作用的译者受到特定的社会意识形态和文化影响。

    The translator , who plays an importance role in rewriting , lives in a certain society or culture .

  13. 大众传媒不仅仅是传播的工具、手段,它还是特定意识形态和文化价值观的载体。

    The popular media are not only means of propagation , but also a carrier of particular ideology and cultural values .

  14. 齐鲁文化是中国传统文化的核心思想,又是主流意识形态的文化基础。

    Qi Lu culture is the core ideas of Chinese traditional culture , besides is the cultural basis of official ideology .

  15. 意识形态对文化和发展理念和方式的整合,对构建和谐社会也有重要的作用。

    Ideology of cultural and development concepts and methods of integration , to build a harmonious society also has an important role .

  16. 人文力是包括伦理道德在内的各种意识形态或文化形式的功能形态。

    The " Force of Humanity " is the functional state of varieties of ideology and culture forms including ethics and morality .

  17. 世界上存在的权力差异决定了翻译的流向和取材,不同译者采用的不同的翻译策略也是由其所处的意识形态和文化背景而决定的。

    The power differentials in the world determine the translation currency and material , and translation strategies are also determined by different ideology and culture .

  18. 第五部分考察了抵制理论的主体理论&新的意识形态与文化理论。

    At the core of the fifth section are the new theories about ideology and culture which are the main theory of the Resistance Theory .

  19. 从制度的可移植性来看,发达市场经济国家的一些市场规则是可以移植的,而融入了发达国家意识形态和文化积淀的市场经济模式的可移植性则要差得多。

    Some of the market rules in developed countries is transferable , but the market economy models mingling with ideology and cultural embedment is less transferable .

  20. 在中国翻译历史的长河中,共出现了三次翻译高潮,它们对中国的政治、经济、意识形态和文化产生了深远的影响。

    In the long course of Chinese translation history , three translation culminations exerted a far-reaching influence on China 's politics , economy , ideology and culture .

  21. 而最关键目的是为了从社会语境,意识形态及文化背景的角度帮助人们进一步理解隐喻的角色。

    The most important aim is to help people further understand the role of the metaphor from the angle of social context , ideology and cultural background .

  22. 当被问及中国意识形态及文化建设的下一步计划时,孙志军指出,开拓国际市场是下一步计划中的一部分。

    When asked about the next steps in China 's ideological and cultural building , Sun Zhijun mentioned exploring the international market as part of the plan .

  23. 威廉斯以文化、语言、文学、意识形态作为文化唯物论的基本概念,这四者缺一不可,不能相互脱离。

    Williams of " culture , language , literature , ideology " as the basic concepts of cultural materialism , all four are indispensable , not each other out .

  24. 这一主题的演变揭示出美国华裔文学主题深受当时的政治意识形态和文化氛围的影响,它依然受制于白人主流文化,依然难以做到完全客观地反映现实。

    It is concluded that the themes developed in the writings of the Chinese American writers were much shaped and influenced by the ideology and the dominant white culture .

  25. 政策失误表现在:宗教意识形态与文化政策实践中的偏差、政治透明的相对性、人才引进平等精神的变异、小农意识浓厚及造血功能的缺失等。

    Meanwhile , the failures were represented in the devation between religion ideology and cultual policy practice , the relativity of political transparency and the denseness of smallholder consciousness .

  26. 随着全球化时代的来临,意识形态和文化的碰撞、交流日益广泛和深入,西方发达国家越来越重视政治教育。

    In the era of globalization , clash of ideology and culture , and wide and profound communication , developed countries pay more and more attention to the political education .

  27. 在符号与意指系统的多层次结构中,其最终目的在于含蓄意指系统,该系统蕴含了丰富的社会意识形态和文化现象的审美观念。

    In the Signe and multi-level structure of Signification system , system containing the ultimate goal is Connotation system that contains a rich social ideology and culture phenomenon aesthetic idea .

  28. 春节联欢晚会作为现代传媒技术衍生出的携带着国家意识形态的文化现象,成为中华民族在过春节时的新民俗。

    Spring Festival , as derived from the modern media technology to bring the state ideology of cultural phenomena , as when the Chinese Spring Festival in the new folk .

  29. 促进准联盟关系构建的变量主要有四个:共同的安全威胁和发展利益、一致的意识形态和文化认同。

    There are four encouraging variables shaping Quasi-Alliance formation , among which the common threat and development interest form the core , while ideology and cultural identity act as the periphery .

  30. 作为一种社会意识形态和文化现象,宗教既是历史文化的载体,又是社会文化心理在精神领域的反映。

    As the manifestation of social and cultural phenomenon , religion is the carrier of history and culture , as well as the reflection of social and cultural mentality in spiritual field .