
yì dà lì rén
  • Italian
  1. 她嫁给了一个意大利人。

    She 's married to an Italian .

  2. 意大利人总是在用餐结束时来份冰激凌。

    The Italian way is to round off a meal with an ice-cream

  3. 她的意大利语说得和意大利人一样。

    She speaks Italian like a native .

  4. 她是意大利人。

    She 's from Italy .

  5. 我是意大利人。

    I 'm from Italy .

  6. 意大利人以为他们已稳操胜券。

    The Italians think they 've got it all sewn up .

  7. 在20世纪50年代,许多意大利人只会说当地方言。

    In the fifties , many Italians spoke only local dialect

  8. 印度人的皮肤比美国人或意大利人的皮肤衰老得慢得多。

    Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones .

  9. 在1914年至1920年间阿尔巴尼亚的大部分地区被意大利人占据。

    Between 1914 and 1920 large parts of Albania were occupied by the Italians

  10. 11个回合过后,德莱昂一拳击在那个意大利人的嘴巴上。

    De Leon landed a punch on the Italian 's mouth after the end of the eleventh round

  11. 她新搭上了个意大利人。有意思的是,那个意大利人一句意大利语都不会说。

    Her latest conquest is an Italian who , interestingly enough , doesn 't speak a word of his native language .

  12. 跟许多意大利人一样,我的父母不仅在家而且在公众场合也公开表达其感情和爱情。

    Like many native italians , my parents were open with their feelings and their love not only at home , but also in public .

  13. 虽然现在还没有任何银行挤提的迹象,但更大的经济恐慌可能会吓得意大利人把财富转移到海外。

    Though there haven 't been any signs of bank runs , the risk is that a bigger economic panic could scare Italians into putting their money elsewhere .

  14. 库尼汉说,“意大利人传统上以简餐开始他们的一天。”

    Italians , says Counihan , traditionally began the day with a small meal .

  15. 不过,与德国人、意大利人和法国人相比,这算不了什么。他们在整个夏天连续熬夜数天只为观看一个半小时的足球世界杯赛。

    That was nothing , though , compared to Germans , Italians , and the French , who stayed up around an hour and a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch the Cup .

  16. 她说,尽管她在意大利呆了多年,能流利地说当地语言,意大利人还是总"把我看成外国人",一个局外人,。

    Italians always " see me as a foreigner , " an outsider , even though she 's stayed in the country for years and can speak the local language fluently , she said .

  17. 意大利人使这个队的技术缺陷暴露无遗。

    The team 's technical limitations were exposed by the Italians .

  18. 恺酸溜溜他说:“可你哪,与其说是意大利人,还不如说是新英格兰人

    Kay said tartly , " And you 're more Yankee than Italian .

  19. 意大利人遭受的地震比任何其他欧洲人都要多。

    Italians suffer more earthquakes than any other Europeans .

  20. 俄罗斯人在交流时感谢彼此的比例是3%,而意大利人也只有14%。

    Russians only thanked each other 3 % of the time and Italians only 14 % .

  21. 意面、披萨和佩罗尼啤酒终于来算账了,经过两个月的封锁期,意大利人平均增重2公斤。

    The pasta , pizza and Peroni have finally taken their toll , with Italians emerging from two months of lockdown an average 2 kg heavier .

  22. 当然,在意大利,我是说,意大利人看起来总是知道到哪去找乐子他们已经开展了一场正式的慢速性生活运动。

    finding ways to put on the brakes and have better sex . And of course , in Italy where -- I mean , Italians always seem to know where to find their pleasure -- they 've launched an official Slow Sex movement .

  23. 意大利人对未婚女子的称呼;相当姓名前的Miss。

    An Italian courtesy title for an unmarried woman ; equivalent to Miss with used before a name .

  24. 全日制MBA的75名学员中,有50名学员不是意大利人。

    Of the 75 students taking the full-time MBA , 50 are non-Italian .

  25. 意大利人有句老话:“Ildolcefarniente.”

    The Italians have an old saying ," Il dolce far niente . "

  26. 我们雇了个意大利人,Salvatore,我的艺术总监。

    We 've got an Italian . Salvatore , my art director .

  27. …,.意大利人有句老话:“Ildolcefarniente.”意思是,什么都不做是很甜蜜,很享受的事。

    The Italians have an old saying , " Il dolce far niente . " The words mean it is sweet , or enjoyable , to do nothing .

  28. AC米兰也对他感兴趣,不过意大利人在转会市场上最近不再是主角了,而且本则马的身价对他们来说也是一大障碍。

    AC Milan are also interested but with the Italians no longer the major players they once were in the transfer market , Benzema 's price tag is likely to be prohibitive for them , too .

  29. 不过,它在政治上肯定会遭遇困难,尤其是对即将上任的欧洲央行行长、意大利人马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)而言。

    It is sure to be politically hard , however , particularly for Mario Draghi , the incoming Italian ECB president .

  30. 又一位意大利人堕入美丽之景(labellafigura)的陷阱,这一次结果是悲惨的。

    Once again , an Italian fell into the trap of la bella figura , this time , with tragic consequences .