
huì líng dùn
  • Wellington;New Zealand;Victoria University of Wellington;AUCKLAND WELLINGTON
  1. 飞行员认为克赖斯特彻奇距离太远,为求稳妥,就降落在了惠灵顿。

    The pilot decided that Christchurch was too far away , and played it safe and landed at Wellington .

  2. 周日,一只名为惠灵顿的跳岩企鹅来到了水族馆的亚马逊鱼类展区,很明显被这些鱼迷住了。

    Wellington , a rockhopper penguin , got to explore the aquarium 's " Amazon Rising " section on Sunday and was clearly fascinated by the fish .

  3. ZhangLuwen是惠灵顿梅西大学的一名大四学生。

    Zhang Luwen is a senior student at Massey University in Wellington .

  4. 来自惠灵顿市议会的TomKong表示,近年来,体验中国文化的新西兰人变得更多了。

    Tom Kong , from Wellington City Council , says in recent years , more Kiwis have been sampling Chinese culture .

  5. 来自新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学的射电天文学家MelanieJohnston-Hollitt与IBM合作开发了该系统。

    Radio astronomer Melanie Johnston-Hollitt at Victoria University , Wellington , NZ , has collaborated with IBM for developing the system .

  6. 刘翔的跟腱手术将于当地时间下午2点在惠灵顿医院由运动损伤专家NickCullen亲自操刀进行。

    LiuXiang will undergo an operation by a specialist on sports injuries , Nick Cullen , at around 2 p.m. local time in Wellington Hospital .

  7. 人们对咖啡豆的来源、如何收获、如何烘培越来越感兴趣,新西兰惠灵顿咖啡比赛冠军咖啡大师NickClark说。

    People are more and more interested in where the beans come from , and how they 're harvested and roasted , says New Zealand barista champion Nick Clark of Wellington 's Flight Coffee .

  8. 欧洲移动运营商英国Orange公司最新推出了一款可以为手机充电的热电橡胶靴或惠灵顿长筒靴。这款靴子的底部内嵌发电装置,可将穿鞋者脚部的热量转化为电能,为带有电池的手提装置充电。

    Mobile phone company European Telco Orange has introduced a phone charging prototype -- a set of gumboots or Wellington boots with a ' power generating sole ' that converts heat from the wearer 's feet into electrical power to charge battery-powered hand-helds .

  9. 第二个例子发生在1993年,当时我在惠灵顿。

    The second example was when I was in Wellington in1993 .

  10. 首都是惠灵顿,奥克兰是全国最大的城市。

    The capital is Wellington and the largest city is Auckland .

  11. 巴西和中国作为观察员参加了惠灵顿会议。

    Brazil and China attended the Wellington meeting as observers .

  12. 克里斯汀耶茨抓住从惠灵顿山顶部的极光。

    Kristin Yates caught the aurora from the top of Mt Wellington .

  13. 惠灵顿是新西兰的首都。

    Wellington is the capital city of new zealand .

  14. 惠灵顿在每一方面都几站活跃起来了。

    It has come alive in almost every aspect .

  15. 纳尔逊将军,惠灵顿公爵和丘吉尔首相的葬礼都是在此举行的。

    Diarmuid : Lord Nelson , the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill .

  16. 我们的同学在听过您的演讲后,都对惠灵顿中学有了更深的了解。

    We did learn a lot more about Wellington after listening to your speech .

  17. 惠灵顿是比其他城市安静。

    Wellington is quieter than the other cities .

  18. 10月27日,特若·诺瓦号船抵达新西兰的惠灵顿。

    On October 27th , the Terra Nova arrived in Wellington , New Zealand .

  19. 一方面,我很想进一步地深入探索奥克兰,但另一方面,我又迫不及待地想参观惠灵顿。

    I want to explore Auckland more while I can 't wait to see Wellington .

  20. 久病之后他于伦敦惠灵顿私人医院中去世。

    He passed away at the private Wellington Hospital in London after a long illness .

  21. 马达加斯加岛的灵猫。首都惠灵顿位于北岛。

    Civet of Madagascar . Wellington , the capital city , lies on the North Island .

  22. 但惠灵顿是首都呀。

    But Wellington is the capital .

  23. 2004年的11月11日,新西兰无名勇士墓在惠灵顿落成。

    W Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior dedicated at the National War Memorial , Wellington .

  24. 你是否是惠灵顿的朋友?

    Were you Whittington 's friend ?

  25. 塔身在伦敦以铁铸造,1865年用船运至新西兰惠灵顿北部的马纳岛组装。

    The segments were shipped to New Zealand in1865 and assembled on Mana Island north of Wellington .

  26. 禁止在南太平洋使用长漂网捕鱼公约(惠灵顿公约)

    Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Drift-nets in the South Pacific ( Wellington Convention )

  27. 这个是我的!夏洛蒂说,他是惠灵顿公爵。

    ' This one is mine ! 'Charlotte said . 'He 's the Duke of Wellington ! '

  28. 平均下来,惠灵顿一年有173天的风速在32海里/时(约59.26千米/时)以上,有22天的风速超40海里/时(约74.08千米/时)。

    On average , the city sees 173 days above 32 knots and 22 days over 40 knots .

  29. 从北部的奥克兰和南部的惠灵顿到吉斯伯恩皆需乘坐1小时的飞机。

    Gisborne is an hour away by air from Auckland in the north and Wellington in the south .

  30. 在惠灵顿国家战争纪念馆,威廉王子为无名碑献上一只玫瑰。

    Prince William places a rose on the Tomb of The Unknown Warrioratthe National War Memorial in Wellington .