
  1. 感伤主义小说具有情节淡化、抒情性强、注意心理刻画和自然景物描写的特点。

    The weakening of plots and the strengthening of lyricism are features of sentimental novels .

  2. 它紧凑的情节淡化了人们对视觉效果的追求,这正是电影出色之处。

    The dense plot distracts from the texture of the visuals , where the brilliance definitely lies .

  3. 从《月月小说》叙事时间的创新,叙事视角的限制化、情节的淡化,我们可以看到中国清末小说叙事模式的转型。

    Through the innovative way of narrative time , the control of narrative angle of view , and simplified details , we can see the change of narrative pattern .

  4. 拉盖什短篇小说具有印度“新小说”的一些创作特点,如情节的淡化,象征、隐喻手法的大量使用以及第一人称的叙事视角。

    His short stories followed the ways of writing similar to those of " New Stories ", such as toning down of plot , use of symbolization and first-person perspective .