
  • 网络emotional intelligence;emotional quotient
  1. 这最终就好像将保姆和护士合二为一了——又或者如果所需的情绪智力超过了马斯克先生设想中的机器人,那至少我们也会拥有会切胡萝卜、洗车或修剪草坪的帮手。

    It could eventually , be like having a babysitter and a nurse rolled into one -- or , if that required emotional intelligence beyond the power of Mr. Musk 's imagined machine , at least someone to chop the carrots , wash the car and mow the lawn .

  2. 书法练习对儿童情绪智力发展的影响

    The Effect of Calligraphy on Children 's Emotional Intelligence Development

  3. 基于MARS模型的人才成功因素探讨&情绪智力VS智力

    Discussion on Successful Factors Based on the Model of MARS & EI versus IQ

  4. 球员的场上位置也不是影响CUBA篮球运动员情绪智力水平的显著因素。

    Player position is not influence the emotional intelligence CUBA basketball player factors .

  5. 北京市部分参加CUBA篮球运动员情绪智力的现状研究

    Research on Status of Some CUBA Basketball Players ' Emotional Intelligence in Beijing

  6. 情绪智力量表(EIS)的多元概化理论分析

    A Study of the Emotional Intelligence Scale ( EIS ) by the Multivariate Generalizability Theory

  7. 情绪智力量表(EIS)的修订与应用研究

    The Revision of Emotional Intelligence Scale ( EIS ) and the Study on Its Application

  8. 一个人的聪明才智只有在情商(EQ)即情绪智力的管理下才可能发展成为高素质的人,才可能是健康的人。

    Without the development of Emotional Quotient , one can 't grow up into a person with high qualities and good health .

  9. 近年来,情商(EmotionalQuotient)及其相关概念情绪智力(emotionalintelligence)成为国内外心理学家所关注的热点之一。

    In recent years , EQ ( emotional quotient ) and correlative concept EI ( emotional intelligence ) has become one of the hotspots that the domestic and oversea psychologists pay much attention to .

  10. 情绪智力的理论及应用研究的进展

    The Progress of Theoretical Development and Applied Research of Emotional Intelligence

  11. 情绪智力在团队内部也具有交流与沟通的作用。

    Emotional intelligence in internal team also has the communication effect .

  12. 建筑企业管理者情绪智力与领导行为研究

    Research on Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Behavior of Construction Enterprise Managers

  13. 大学生情绪智力及其对心理健康的作用研究

    Emotional Intelligence and Its Effects on Mental Health of College Students

  14. 情绪智力对工作倦怠有显著预测作用。

    Emotional intelligence had an important predictor effect on job burnout .

  15. 大学生情绪智力和学业成绩之间不存在相关。

    Undergraduates ' Emotional intelligence is uncorrelated with their academic achievement .

  16. 20世纪80年代以来,我国心理学界对于情绪智力的研究逐渐升温。

    More research in emotional intelligence has been done since 1980s .

  17. 情绪智力理论对运动心理学研究的启示

    Inspiration of the Theory of Emotional Intelligence to Sports Psychological Study

  18. 护理专业学生情绪智力测评研究进展

    Research progress on emotional intelligence test of nursing specialty students

  19. 关于中学生情绪智力的调查研究

    The Survey for the Emotional Intelligence of Middle School Students

  20. 存在着受教育程度和职务上的差异:相对来说,公司副总与中基层领导者存在着情绪智力水平的差异;

    Emotional intelligence has significant difference in accepted education degrees and position .

  21. 浅谈情绪智力理论的发展及其对我国教育的启示意义

    The Development of Emotional-intelligence Theory & Its Revelation to the Chinese Education

  22. 大学生情绪智力量表的编制与实测

    The Development and Survey of the Emotional Intelligence Scale of College Students

  23. 结构方程模型结果表明:变革型领导、交易型领导与团队情绪智力显著相关。

    Transformational leadership and transactional leadership correlated with group emotional intelligence significantly .

  24. 情绪智力对高管团队战略决策绩效具有显著影响。

    Emotional intelligence has significant influence to strategic decision performance of TMT .

  25. 情绪智力的生理机制复杂。

    The physiological mechanism of feeling intelligence is very complicated .

  26. 其次,编制了大学生情绪智力问卷。

    Secondly , it set up emotional intelligence questionnaire of college student .

  27. 大学生情绪智力对主观幸福感的预测效应分析

    The Predictive Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Subjective Well-being among College Students

  28. 情绪智力对高校体育教学的影响研究

    Research on Influence of Emotional Intelligence to University Teaching of Physical Education

  29. 来揭示工作压力与情绪智力之间的具体关系,以及工作压力是怎样影响情绪智力的。4.中介与调节作用的研究。

    The relations of Job stress and EI . 4 .

  30. 情绪智力在年级上也存在显著差异。

    Emotional intelligence in the grade is also significantly different .