
  • 【计】case statement
  1. 默认情况下,UPDATE语句以传统方式处理包含业务时段的表。

    By default , UPDATE statements behave traditionally for tables with business time periods .

  2. 如下例所示,在此情况下,查询语句获得用户的名称和电子邮件地址。

    In this scenario a query gets the name and e-email address from a user , as in the following example .

  3. 您还会注意到,我不需要在语句之间(除了特定情况下)加入语句分隔符,像分号。

    You will also notice that I don 't need to put statement separators , like semicolons , in between statements except in certain cases .

  4. 另一方面,Net.Data仅支持立即执行,在这种情况下每次执行语句时都要准备语句。

    Net . Data , on the other hand , supports only immediate execution , where the prepare is done each time a statement executes .

  5. 某些情况下,如果语句包含主机变量、参数标记或特殊寄存器那么访问路径在运行时的性能不会很好。

    In some cases , the access path does not perform well at runtime if the statement contains host variables , parameter markers , or special registers .