
gōng wei
  • compliment;flatter;fawn;butter up;sweeten;eulogize
恭维 [gōng wéi]
  • [flatter;compliment;eulogize] 出于讨好对方的目的而去称赞、颂扬。也作恭惟

  • 父亲客客气气地和船长搭上语,一面恭维,一面打听有关他职业上的事情。--《我的叔叔于勒》

恭维[gōng wei]
  1. 你太恭维我了!

    You flatter me immensely !

  2. 他们会为了得到秘密求你,恭维你。

    They 'll beg you and flatter you for the secret .

  3. 朋友之间互相恭维一下有什么不妥?

    What 's wrong with a bit of smoodge between friends ?

  4. 她讨厌公关工作中的虚夸恭维。

    She hated the flummery of public relations .

  5. 她不说过头的恭维话。

    She is not overgenerous with praise .

  6. 他爱听恭维话。

    He 's highly susceptible to flattery .

  7. 全都是些部长们常说的骗人鬼话和少不了的奉承恭维。

    There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers

  8. 酒棒极了,但是饭菜却让人不敢恭维。

    The wine was excellent , but the food was disappointing

  9. 她的建议中有完全正确的金玉良言,但有过于恭维之嫌。

    Her advice includes perfectly true but rather fulsome pearls of wisdom .

  10. 对女人说些恭维话没有坏处。

    You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments

  11. 它听起来不能像是虚情假意的恭维。

    It mustn 't sound like a contrived compliment .

  12. 我知道她只是在恭维我。

    I knew she was just flattering me .

  13. 不要吹捧得太露骨,不过一定要恭维得他们很惬意。

    Don 't lay it on too thick , but make sure they are flattered

  14. “干得好,卡桑德拉。”克鲁克说。她脸一下子红了,但还是很有风度地接受了恭维。

    ' Well done , Cassandra , ' Crook said . She blushed , but accepted the compliment with good grace .

  15. 对她说些恭维话没有坏处。

    You can do no harm by paying her compliments .

  16. 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了一笑。

    She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment .

  17. 他总是批评她,从来也不恭维一句。

    He 's always criticizing her , and never pays her a compliment .

  18. 恭维只会助长他的骄气。

    Flattery will only make him more arrogant .

  19. 他恭维她烹调手艺高超。

    He flattered her about her cooking .

  20. 现代读者很可能同意对欧文的批评而不同意那些恭维话。

    The present-day reader is more likely to agree with irving 's critics than with his admirers .

  21. 恭维使人感到舒服,然后问些问题来表示自己感兴趣。

    Complimentthe other person to make him or her feel comfortable , and ask questions to show interest .

  22. 他们生活奢侈,爱摆阔,我不敢恭维。

    I don 't like the ostentation of their expensive life - style .

  23. “女友氛围”推销法是一种加入了恭维和调情元素的销售技巧。

    Girlfriend Vibes is a type of sales technique that involves flattery and flirtation .

  24. 我痛恨他拍马屁的恭维。

    I hate his smarmy compliments .

  25. 换句话说,我在fishingforacompliment(寻求恭维)。

    In other words , I am fishing for a compliment .

  26. 中国大学EFL学生恭维答语的语用迁移研究

    Pragmatic Transfer in Chinese College EFL Learners ' Compliment Responses

  27. 在苹果宣布发布新款iPhone手机后,诺基亚公司发推特调侃:模仿就是最好的恭维。

    Nokia tweeted this as Apple was announcing its new iPhones : Imitation is the best form of flattery .

  28. 鉴于本研究的中心恭维言语行为属于表情性言语行为,它将受Leech的礼貌原则和Brown&Levinson的面子理论的影响。

    My research object compliment belongs to the expressives , which are confined to Leech 's Politeness Principle and Brown & Levinson 's Face Theory .

  29. 恭维话blarney只有傻瓜才会相信你的花言巧语。

    Only a fool will believe your blarney .

  30. 也有一些对超人不那么恭维的音乐作品,比如1979年的《说唱歌手真高兴》(Rapper'sDelight)。其中,说唱组合“糖山帮”(SugarHillGang)把超人贬低为一个“穿着连裤口在空中飞”的人。

    There were also less flattering musical depictions , such as the 1979 ' Rapper 's Delight , ' in which the Sugar Hill Gang denigrates him as someone ' flying through the air in pantyhose . '