
kǒnɡ huānɡ xìnɡ pāo shòu
  • panic selling
  1. 什么是指数熔断机制?熔断机制是指股指下跌一定比例后,证券交易所采取暂停交易以避免恐慌性抛售的措施。

    The circuit-breaker mechanism refers to measures adopted by stock exchanges to temporarily halt trading to avert3 panic selling after the stock index has fallen a certain percentage .

  2. 一旦你看到关键的(收益率)水平被突破,就会出现恐慌性抛售。

    Once you see key [ yield ] levels break , panic selling sets in .

  3. 东京证交所总裁齐藤惇(AtsushiSaito)在市场恐慌性抛售日本股票之后,呼吁市场冷静。

    Atsushi Saito , president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange , appealed for calm after the panicked selling of Japanese shares .

  4. 然而,如今那些基金经理也被指参与恐慌性抛售。

    However , now those fund mangers are also being blamed for joining in the panic-selling .

  5. 马来西亚证交所被迫在后市暂停交易1小时,以避免恐慌性抛售。

    The exchange was forced to halt trading for a hour in the afternoon to prevent panic selling .

  6. 接踵而至的,便会是资产价格触顶、恐慌性抛售、信贷冻结、大批人失去偿还能力,最后是步入衰退。

    Then comes a top to asset prices , panic selling , a credit freeze , mass insolvency and recession .

  7. 经济衰退导致的恐慌性抛售导致股票市值被抹去了数十亿英镑。

    Billions of pounds have been wiped off the value of shares after recession fears sparked panic selling across the world .

  8. 信用市场冻结,出现全球经济衰退的可能性导致世界各股市出现恐慌性抛售。

    Frozen credit markets and the prospect of a global recession have led to panic selling on the world 's stock markets .

  9. 全球股市昨天全线大跌,原因在于投资者对经济前景和金融市场动荡的担心迅速演变为全面的恐慌性抛售行为。

    Global equities were routed yesterday as concerns over the economic outlook and financial market turbulence snowballed into a broad fear-driven sell-off .

  10. 这种理念也会导致恐慌性抛售,因为在这类投资者眼中,只要市场有任何风吹草动,他们的钱就会打水漂。

    It also leads to panic selling , when dips in the stock market feel like the person 's money is being taken away .

  11. 9月,华盛顿:有谣传称亚洲各国央行正考虑将外汇储备多样化、转换成贝壳类货币,这引发了美元的恐慌性抛售。

    Washington : rumours that Asian central banks are considering diversifying their foreign exchange reserves into cowrie shells spark panic selling of the US dollar .

  12. 9天后股市由于不堪恐慌性抛售的重负而关门,因为投资者突然意识到世界大战爆发的现实。

    Nine days later the stock exchange closed its doors , overwhelmed by panic selling as investors suddenly woke up to the reality of world war .

  13. 这种增长吸引了新的投资者,分析师认为它减轻了恐慌性抛售的威胁,并有助于市场免受坏消息的影响。

    That growth has drawn in new investors , something analysts say has dulled the threat of panic selling and helped the market ride out bad news .

  14. “我们不希望陷入恐慌性抛售中”,他说,私人银行并没有劝客户们减持其股票投资。

    " We don 't want to be caught up in panic selling ," he said , adding that the private bank had not told clients to reduce their equity exposure .

  15. 中国公司市值迅速攀升,部分原因在于其8月份的强劲上涨,在此期间,全球大部分市场由于信贷危机而出现了恐慌性抛售。

    The rapid rise in the value of Chinese companies is partly due to a strong rally during August , when most other markets around the world have seen panic selling because of concerns about a credit crunch .