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kǒng jù
  • fear;terror;horror;be afraid of;dread;frightened;scare;terrified;apprehension;tremble;trepidation;spectre;shaken
恐惧 [kǒng jù]
  • [fear;dread] 畏惧,害怕

  • 大水漫漫,心甚恐惧

恐惧[kǒng jù]
  1. 多年来我们一直生活在恐惧中。

    We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear .

  2. 克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。

    The only way to conquer a fear is to face it .

  3. 背叛自己亲兄弟的这个想法使她感到恐惧。

    She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother .

  4. 父母自己的恐惧有可能在无意中感染了孩子。

    Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children .

  5. 他恐惧地盯着我,嘴在抽搐着。

    He stared at me in horror , his mouth working .

  6. 他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。

    His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities .

  7. 人往往对自己不懂的东西感到恐惧。

    People are often afraid of things they don 't understand .

  8. 他只有在梦中表现出恐惧。

    Only in his dreams does he give expression to his fears .

  9. 她心里明白自己必须克服恐惧心理。

    She knew that she had to confront her fears .

  10. 他很恐惧,感到自己都快哭了。

    To his horror , he could feel himself starting to cry .

  11. 他从小就养成了对失败的恐惧。

    Fear of failure was bred into him at an early age .

  12. 想到人会一天天老下去便使我充满恐惧。

    The prospect of growing old fills me with dread .

  13. 他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。

    He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone .

  14. 我们长期生活在害怕被发现的恐惧中。

    We lived in continual fear of being discovered .

  15. 他的声音里透露着恐惧和仇恨。

    There was fear and hatred in his voice .

  16. 他的恐惧证明是有道理的。

    His fear turned out to be well founded .

  17. 我突然感到又恐惧又兴奋。

    Fear and excitement suddenly flowed over me .

  18. 我们大家都有各自的恐惧和不安全感。

    We all have our fears and insecurities .

  19. 她突然感到一阵恐惧。

    She felt the sudden clutch of fear .

  20. 一阵恐惧传遍他的全身。

    A wave of fear swept over him .

  21. 他排除了恐惧。

    He pushed aside the feelings of fear .

  22. 他的情绪变化不定,一会儿恐惧一会儿生气。

    His emotions veered between fear and anger .

  23. 恐惧的阴影笼罩着她。

    Tentacles of fear closed around her body .

  24. 她排除了恐惧,爬得更高了。

    Dismissing her fears , she climbed higher .

  25. 一股恐惧感传遍了他的全身。

    A ripple of fear passed through him .

  26. 他对飞行有恐惧症。

    He has a phobia about flying .

  27. 她的眼睛里充满了恐惧。

    Her eyes were wild with terror .

  28. 孩子们极端恐惧地看着。

    The children watched in stark terror .

  29. 她突然感到一阵恐惧袭上心头。

    Fear clutched at her heart .

  30. 她陷入深深的恐惧之中。

    Fear engulfed her .