
  • 网络Aggregate analysis;aggregative analysis;gross analysis;Bulk Analysis
  1. 经济学研究失业问题的范式概括起来有三个,即马克思主义经济学分析范式、新古典分析范式和凯恩斯非瓦尔拉斯总量分析范式。

    In general , the paradigms of Marxism analysis , neoclassic analysis , and Keynesian aggregate analysis are three key paradigms of economics in analyzing unemployment .

  2. 总量分析结果表明,产业结构变化相对平稳时期,物流业的发展也相对平稳;产业结构变动剧烈,物流业的发展也会出现剧烈的波动。

    Aggregate analysis results show that the development of logistics industry is relatively stable while the industrial structure is relatively stable . The logistics industry has fierce fluctuations when the Industrial structure changes .

  3. 并在总量分析的过程中,得出了我国绿色食品产业发展与我国人均GDP的线性回归模型。

    On the basis of these research , I got the weak point on green food industry , and set a model on the relationship between average GDP and green food industry development .

  4. 通过对15辆车采用相同的底盘测功机,分别用汽车排放总量分析系统(VMAS)和定容采样系统(CVS)进行瞬态采样测试,并对测试结果进行了分析。

    Emission tests of 15 vehicles are conducted on same chassis dynamometer with both VMAS and CVS sampling schemes respectively .

  5. I的关系。中国制造业和商业关系演化:总量分析

    The Relative Evolvement between Manufacturing and Commerce in China : The Gross Analysis

  6. 农机动力总量分析模型在农业机械化系统分析中的应用

    Application of Agricultural Machinery Gross Power Analysis Model in Analysis of Agricultural Mechanization System

  7. 多元自适应样条回归预报浮游植物总量分析

    The Application of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines in Forecast of Total Number of Phytoplankton

  8. 有机肥料中有机物总量分析方法研究

    Study on the Analysis Method of Total Amount of Organic Matter in Organic Fertilizer

  9. 山地植被覆盖区土壤中金的活动态总量分析

    Analysis for Gross Mobile Form of Au in Overburdens Covered with Vegetation in Mountainous Country

  10. 乌鲁木齐市大气环境质量变化趋势与污染削减总量分析

    Study on Variation Tendency of Atmospheric Environmental Quality and Total Reduction of Pollutant in Urumqi

  11. 这些基于统计回归总量分析的经济冲击模型,并不能说明经济冲击是如何作用在构成经济系统的诸多经济主体上。

    These models based on statistical gross analysis cannot explain how economic shock impacts on economic agents .

  12. 对浙江就业的总量分析包括劳动供给与劳动需求两个部分。

    To analyze the total of the Zhejiang 's employment is to analyze its labor supply and demand .

  13. 我国经济学界对制造业发展的研究偏好宏观经济的总量分析方法。

    Chinese economists used to be partial to method of macro-analysis for development of manufacture industry in China .

  14. 对行业现状的研究,本文行业结构、发展阶段、总量分析、产品结构分析等四方面展开,根据这些分析,提出在绿色食品行业飞速发展的前提下,行业发展还存在的问题。

    On status quo , we have the research on the industry structure development phase sum analysis and product structure .

  15. 从简单人口总量分析到综合素质分析&以烟台城市总体规划的人口分析为例

    From Simple Analysis of Total Population to Analysis of Comprehensive Qualifications & Take the Population Analysis of the Master Plan of Yantai City for Example

  16. 宏观劳动价值论是运用总量分析方法研究整个社会创造宏观价值总量行为的理论,它的分析重点是宏观价值生产函数,它的理论体系是宏观价值生产函数的展开和深化。

    The macroscopical labor axiology studies the actions that are made by the whole society to produce the macroscopical value . It emphasizes and deepens the macroscopical value production function .

  17. 建立了农业机械化发展的农机动力总量分析模型,该模型反应了农机总动力与劳均播种面积、农民的收入水平及粮食单产水平的关系。

    The agricultural machinery gross power analysis model used in the development of agricultural mechanization is set up to show the relationship between the agricultural machinery gross power and those key factors .

  18. 针对某一具体文本进行的宏观节奏研究应该从故事的时间总量分析开始,其整体节奏可以通过故事时间的总量与叙述篇幅的大小比例来衡量。

    The holistic study towards some appointed works should start with the analysis of the total story time , and the holistic rhythm can be scaled by comparing the total story time with the total narration length .

  19. 在研究角度上,采取总量分析方法,探索分析了不同收入发展阶段的贫困特征和减贫模式,包括低收入阶段、中等收入阶段和高收入阶段的减贫特征和模式。

    Secondly , in research perspectives , the paper takes the method of macro-analysis to explore the poverty characteristics and poverty reduction modes of the different income stages , including low-income stage , mid-income stage and high-income stage .

  20. 主要采用了理论与实践相结合、逻辑与历史相统一、规范分析与实证分析相互印证、一般研究与重点研究相结合、总量分析与结构分析相结合的方法。

    The paper mainly adopted the method of theory combining with practice , logic and history unify synthetically , standardize analysis and real example analysis , general research combining with key research , total amount analysis combining with structure analysis .

  21. 主要包括:最佳洗选工艺方案决策的增量与总量分析模型,经营风险分析模型和在既定技术条件下多工艺组合方案的产品结构优化决策的线性规划模型。

    These models are mainly the increment and total analysis model determining the optimum coal dressing scheme , the model of management risk analysis , and the Linear plan model on deciding optimum product structure under the condition of a given technology .

  22. 本文对塔里木河上游水资源地表水和地下水径流量进行了总量分析,指出了水资源在开发利用过程中存在的问题并提出了合理的开发利用措施(工程和非工程措施)。

    The article analyzes the total volume of surface and groundwater runoff at the upper reaches of Talim River and points out the existing issues in the process of exploitation and utilization of water resources and puts forward the relative rational measures .

  23. 因此,本文认为,应将税收与经济对应,做结构分解,对主体税种与相应的经济指标进行系统的分析,才能克服总量分析的不足,才能得到量化的分析结论。

    This article , therefore , reaches the conclusion that one should make the structure analysis through systematically connecting the main types of taxation and the main economic indicators correspondingly in order to overcome the shortage of aggregated analysis and to get the quantity results .

  24. 论文运用定性分析和定量分析相结合、规范分析和实证分析相结合、总量分析和结构分析相结合的研究方法对中部地区社会经济发展状况做出客观评价。

    The article utilizes the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis unify , the standard analysis and the real diagnosis analysis unify the research technique , which the total quantity analysis and the structure analysis unify to central china social economy development condition to make the objective evaluation .

  25. TSP源解析的回归计算及总量控制分析

    Regression Calculating and Total Amount Control Analysis in TSP Source Apportionment

  26. 除了从总量上分析FDI的外溢效应,本文特别基于联系效应的视角对其进行了分析。

    Besides aggregate analysis of FDI spillover , it focused on FDI spillover based on linkage effect perspective .

  27. 同时对EPS及其各组分含量及总量的分析可知,反应器中EPS以及多糖含量有明显的降低,这对于增大污泥颗粒,降低膜污染也有较大的贡献。

    At the same time results show that the concentrates of EPS and polysaccharide have reduced significantly , these can enlarge the sludge particles and reduce the membrane fouling .

  28. 天津港水污染物排放总量控制分析

    Analysis of Controlling Total Discharging Amount of Water Pollutant of Tianjin Port

  29. 乌龙茶种质资源的儿茶素总量变化分析

    Analysis of the Variation of Catechins Content in Oolong Tea Germplasm Resources

  30. 收费公路总量控制分析

    Matrix analysis for toll road restriction on total volume