
zǒnɡ jīnɡ lǐ zhù lǐ
  • general manager assistant;assistant president
  1. 让BICES成为工程机械行业的盛大节日&访中国工程机械成套公司总经理助理王曼丽

    Let BICES to be the Royal Ceremony for Construction Machinery Industry

  2. 此前,他在金鸡湖大酒店任总经理助理。

    Tommy Huang as Deputy General Manager of JinJiLake Grand Hotel Suzhou .

  3. 我做过总经理助理。

    I have been an assistant to the general manager .

  4. 目前在一家港美合资企业任总经理助理。

    And I am responsible for assistant of GM in a joint venture .

  5. 彼得确信他能获得总经理助理的职位。

    Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director .

  6. 你是总经理助理吗?

    Are you General Manager 's assistant ?

  7. 总经理助理。

    Assistant to general manager .

  8. 《大酒店》有幸采访到该酒店总经理助理兼市场销售部总监孙元坝先生。

    Peter Sun , the assistant General Manager and Director of Sales and Marketing of Furama Hotel Dalian .

  9. 米奇-库普切克,韦斯特的总经理助理,也同布莱克和莱德尔一道坐进了韦斯特的轿车。

    Mitch Kupchak , West 's assistant general manager , piled into West 's car , along with Black and Ridder .

  10. 没有多少像你这样年级的年轻人能指望担任比总经理助理更高的职务。

    Not many young people at your age can expect to reach a higher position than assistant to the general manager .

  11. 作为总经理助理,我的主要工作职责是:协助总经理处理工作日程安排、相关商务谈判、信函往来等工作;

    As the assistant general manager , my main responsibilities are : To assist the general manager of the processing schedule , the related business negotiations , correspondence , etc.

  12. 偶在职场晃荡时,被一在美留学六年拿到绿卡回来创业的海归瞧上,职务:总经理助理。

    Sloshing in the workplace even when he was a six-year study in the United States start to get a green card to come back and see the returnees , the positions : Assistant General Manager .

  13. 四环医药研发部总经理助理、该公司旗下北京澳合药物研究院院长霍彩霞介绍说,中国军方已向西非发运了足以治疗1万人的药物。

    The Chinese military has already sent enough of the drug to treat 10000 people to west Africa , according to Dr Huo Caixia , associate president of research and development for Sihuan and head of its Beijing Aohe Drug Research Institute .

  14. 她是总经理的私人助理。

    She 's the Managing Director 's PA.

  15. 她给总经理作私人助理。

    She works as PA to the managing director .

  16. 她是总经理的私人助理。

    She is personal assistant to the managing director .

  17. 代理,代理机构的负责人她给总经理作私人助理。

    Person in charge of an agency She works as PA to the managing director .

  18. 大饭店的总经理有许多经理助理帮助他做这些困难的工作。

    A general manager of a very large hotel has many assistants who help him with these difficult jobs .