
  • 网络The General Council;DSB
  1. wto总理事会的议事规则应予适用,除非另有规定。

    The Rules of Procedure of the WTO General Council shall apply unless specified otherwise .

  2. 在部长级会议和总理事会会议上,WTO每一成员拥有一票。

    At meetings of the Ministerial Conference and the General Council , each Member of the WTO shall have one vote .

  3. 总理事会应就与职责上同WTO有关的政府间组织进行有效合作作出适当安排。

    The General Council shall make appropriate arrangements for effective cooperation with other intergovernmental organizations that have responsibilities related to those of the WTO .

  4. 每一成员应依照总理事会通过的财务条例,迅速向WTO交纳其在WTO费用中分摊的份额。

    Each Member shall promptly contribute to the WTO its share in the expenses of the WTO in accordance with the financial regulations adopted by the General Council .

  5. 首先回顾了WTO贸易便利化谈判历程,介绍了从1996年新加坡部长会议起到2004年WTO总理事会上的历次重要谈判情况及在贸易便利化方面的进展。

    The author first looks back to the history of negotiation on Trade Facilitation , introducing the negotiation process from the Singapore Ministerial Conference in 1996 to General Council meetings in 2004 .

  6. 附件1B总理事会依照《中国加入议定书》第18条第2款处理的问题

    Annex 1b issues to be addressed by the General Council in accordance with section 18.2 of china 's protocol of accession

  7. WTO规则需要解释,WTO的部长级会议、总理事会以及争端解决机构中的专家组和上诉机构均是WTO规则的法定解释主体,享有法定解释权。

    The WTO rules need interpreting , and the Ministerial council , the general council , the experts for Dispute Settlement Organization and the appellate body are all legal subjects which have the authority to interpret relevant WTO regulations .

  8. 总理事会应依照附件1B所列框架,并按照根据第1款进行的任何审议的结果,进行此项审议。

    The General Council shall conduct such review in accordance with the framework set out in Annex 1B and in the light of the results of any reviews held pursuant to paragraph 1 .

  9. 雷诺烟草公司总理事会称这一赔偿“远远超过必要的限度,也是佛罗里达州法律所不允许的”。NPR新闻,菲尔·莱斯曼迈阿密报道。

    The General Council for Reynolds called the damages quote " grossly excessive and impermissible under Florida law . " For NPR News , I 'm Phil Lasman in Miami .

  10. 根据WTO的规定,部长会议和总理事会拥有对WTO协定和多边贸易协议进行解释的专有权力;而专家组与上诉机构也可以在解决具体争端过程对WTO涵盖协议进行解释。

    According to the provisions of the WTO law , the ministerial conference and general council have exclusive power to adopt interpretations on the WTO Agreement and covered agreements , but the panel and the appellate body can also make interpretations of the covered agreements in resolving of specific disputes .

  11. 制造业、农业和商业总理事会,1850年5月6日。

    General Council of Manufacturers , Agriculture , and Commerce , May6,1850 .

  12. 该机构的职能由世贸组织总理事会行使。

    General council of world trade organization exerts the function of this body .

  13. 两项决议草案将上交总理事会通过。

    Both draft decisions will now go to the General Council for adoption .

  14. 13.委员会应向总理事会报告其磋商的情况。

    13 . The Committee shall report on its consultations to the General Council .

  15. 年度概算应经总理事会批准。

    The annual budget estimate shall be subject to approval by the General Council .

  16. 总理事会还应行使本协定指定的职能。

    The General Council shall also carry out the functions assigned to it by this Agreement .

  17. 各机构应定期向总理事会报告其活动。

    These bodies shall keep the General Council informed of their activities on a regular basis .

  18. 建议总理事会在通过本报告书时通过这些文件。

    It was proposed that these texts be adopted by the General Council when it adopted the Report .

  19. 总理事会:世贸组织中继部长会议之后的最高决策机构,定期举行会议。

    General Council : The WTO 's top decision-making body other than the Ministerial Conference ; meets regularly .

  20. 在部长级会议休会期间,其职能应由总理事会行使。

    In the intervals between meetings of the Ministerial Conference , its functions shall be conducted by the General Council .

  21. 设立由所有成员的代表组成的总理事会,酌情召开会议。

    There shall be a General Council composed of representatives of all the Members , which shall meet as appropriate .

  22. 重大变化应在宣布之前或在宣布之后不迟于30天通知总理事会。

    Significant changes shall be notified to the General Council prior to or not later than 30 days after their announcement .

  23. 此后,将在第10年或总理事会决定的较早日期进行最终审议。

    Thereafter there will be a final review in year 10 or at an earlier date decided by the General Council .

  24. 中央以下各级政府/主管机关的结构和权力/统一管理(向总理事会作出通知)

    Structure and Powers of the Government / Authority of Sub-Central Governments / Uniform Administration ( to be notified to the General Council )

  25. 根据第1款采取或维持的任何限制,或此类限制的任何变更,应迅速通知总理事会。

    Any restrictions adopted or maintained under paragraph 1 , or any changes therein , shall be promptly notified to the General Council .

  26. 总理事会应制定自己的议事规则,并批准第7款规定的各委员会的议事规则。

    The General Council shall establish its rules of procedure and approve the rules of procedure for the Committees provided for in paragraph 7 .

  27. 总理事会应酌情召开会议,履行《争端解决谅解》规定的争端解决机构的职责。

    The General Council shall convene as appropriate to discharge the responsibilities of the Dispute Settlement Body provided for in the Dispute Settlement Understanding .

  28. 部长级会议和总理事会拥有通过对本协定和多边贸易协定所作解释的专有权力。

    The Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall have the exclusive authority to adopt interpretations of this Agreement and of the Multilateral Trade Agreements .

  29. 只要总理事会提出具体建议,则即应根据这些建议评估成员的权利和义务。

    Whenever the General Council has made specific recommendations , the rights and obligations of Members shall be assessed in the light of such recommendations .

  30. 从严格意义上讲,世贸组织争端解决机构只是一个准司法机构,因为上诉机构所作的裁决,最终还得由总理事会表决通过。

    Strictly speaking , dispute settlement body is a quasi - judicial organization , because all the decisions put forward by general council of world trade organization should pass appeal body eventually .