
  1. 具体上写实,总体上象征,是贾平凹新作《秦腔》采用的重要艺术手法。

    Concrete realism and overall symbol is the important artistic technique of " Qin Qiang ", Jia ( Pingao 's ) new work .

  2. 他的早期作品总体来说带有象征意味:身体或巨大的头颅漂浮在空中――可能是下落,也可能是上升――它们用刷子般的笔触绘成,传达出能量与暴力的讯息。朋友们开始索要他的作品,他渐渐有了口碑。

    His early work was generally figurative : bodies or large heads floating in space - perhaps falling , perhaps rising - rendered in slash-like brush strokes that conveyed both energy and violence . Friends started asking for portraits , and word spread .