
  1. 性命双修,先性后命;剪应力最大值均出现在距后锚面约10m处;

    Back to nature ; The maximum shear stress appears 10 meters before the back anchorage face .

  2. 其次系统阐释了道教生命观的内涵,其具体表现为贵人重生的生命价值观,我命在我不在天的生命自主观,长生不死、羽化登仙的生命超越观和性命双修的生命修养观。

    The second system explains the Taoist View of life connotation , its specific performance for the noble life values ," my life is not in my day " life since subjective , live forever and never die , die life view and the dual cultivation view .

  3. 性命双修,人与天一&庄子养生理论及其实践特点人的全面发展的生态系统包括生命系统和环境系统。

    Coordination Between Spiritual and Physical Life , Harmonization of Man and Nature & Zhuang Zhi ′ s theory and functional characteristics on favorable remedy for body and soul The ecosystem that supports human beings ' full development includes the physical life system and its related environment system .

  4. 道教性命双修的理想对古代文人既追求超越境界又不放弃现实人生享受的精神状况有所影响,对形神俱妙、气韵生动的创作理想也有一定影响。

    Third , Taoist " spirit and essence refining exercise " ideal affected as ancient literati 's spiritual conditions and ideal life , what was pursue for surmount extent but not giving up realistic life or enjoyment . It also had certain influences on the creative ideal of ancient literati .