
  • 网络Emergency department
  1. 方法分析在创伤ICU和急诊部(ED)内HTS病人,确定病死率、感染、器官功能障碍(OD)的发生率和与此有关的预测指标。

    Methods We determined and analyzed the rates and predictors of death , organ dysfunction ( OD ), and infection in patients with HTS ( systolic blood pressure ≤ 12kPa ) in the intensive care unit or the emergency department ( ED ) .

  2. 不幸的是,急诊部最终没能挽回她的生命。

    Unfortunately , the emergency department fails to resuscitate her .

  3. 真纳(Jinnah)医院急诊部主任思敏·贾马里(SeeminJamali)表示,该院有272名病人死于与高温有关的状况,其中包括脱水。

    Dr. Seemin Jamali , head of the Jinnah hospital 's emergency wing , said 272 people had died there from heat-related conditions , including dehydration .

  4. 综合医院急诊部包含急诊与急救两大功能。

    General hospital emergency department contains two functions of emergency department and first-aid .

  5. 体现以人为本的急诊部建设

    Adopting a people-oriented approach in building the emergency department

  6. 在急诊部治疗的损伤中,头和颈部的损伤占79%。

    Head and neck injuries accounted for79 % of the injuries requiring emergency treatment .

  7. 如果这是不可能的,转到您的当地医院的急诊部。

    If this is not possible , go to your local hospital emergency department .

  8. 病人被一位朋友送到本院的急诊部。

    The patient was brought to the emergency department of this hospital by a friend .

  9. 这项调查涵盖了在医院急诊部进行治疗受伤事件,其中只有2%的是较为严重的。

    The study involved injuries treated in hospital emergency departments . Only two percent were serious .

  10. 新发、严重或者持续性胸痛需要在医院急诊部立即进行治疗。

    People with new , worsening or persistent chest pain should be treated immediately in the emergency department of a hospital .

  11. “口袋妖怪”玩家在一家医院急诊部创立了妖怪枢纽站,随后医院不得不发布规定,禁止玩家再入内。

    A hospital has been forced to ban Pokemon Go players from the site after a monster hub was found in the A & E department .

  12. 降低工作压力并不总是可行的:有些工作,比如棘手的建筑工地或急诊部的工作本质上就是高压的。

    Lowering stress at work isn 't always possible : Some jobs , like working on a tricky contruction site or attending medical emergencies , are inherently stressful .

  13. 他们发现几项简单的步骤可以显著的缩短治疗时间,例如赋予急诊部人员召集专家的权力而不必首先咨询心脏病专家。

    They found that simple steps , such as giving emergency department staff the authority to call in specialists without first consulting a cardiologist , could significantly shorten treatment times .

  14. 第一,随着社会对城市急救体系要求的越来越高,急诊部依托医院的有效资源,向着成为区域内急救中心的方向发展。

    First , along with the increasing social requirements of urban emergency system , the emergency department of the hospital use the available resources of hospital , becoming the regional medical center .

  15. 急诊胃大部切除术治疗胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔

    Emergent subtotal gastrectomy for perforation of stomach and duodenal ulcer

  16. 动脉化的游离静脉皮瓣急诊修复手部软组织缺损

    Arterialized free venous flaps for emergency repair of soft-tissue defect in the hand

  17. 方法对1991~2001年收治的胃十二指肠溃疡急性穿孔行急诊胃大部切除术的84例患者临床资料及随访结果进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The clinical data and the follow-up results of 84 cases of stomach and duodenal ulcer perforation undergoing emergent subtotal gastrectomy admitted from 1991 to 2001 were analysed retrospectively .

  18. 目的研制综合医院急诊病人满意度量表,为评价医院急诊部的服务质量提供客观测量工具。

    Objective : Patient satisfaction is an indicator for evaluating the quality of care in the emergency department .

  19. 副护士长凯文·帕克说道:“身体健康的普通民众不应该来医院的急诊室或者其他科室玩‘口袋妖怪’游戏,今年夏天急诊部非常忙碌。

    Kevin Parker , associate chief nurse , said : ' Members of the public who do not need to be at Royal Stoke should not attempt to enter A & E or any other part of the hospital building to play the game . The A & E department is incredibly busy this summer .