
sī xiāng
  • think of one's home;homesick
思乡[sī xiāng]
  1. 这无疑会令那些思乡的英国人感到高兴,但上海店能否生存下去,仍存在着更大的问题。上海店位于南京西路(相当于上海的牛津街(OxfordStreet)),店面巨大且昂贵。

    This will doubtless make homesick those Brits happy , but larger questions remain about the viability of the Shanghai store , which has a large and expensive footprint on Nanjing Xi Lu , Shanghai 's Oxford Street .

  2. 思乡情怀的表达是古代文学的一个重要主题。

    Homesick emotion is a main subject in ancient literature .

  3. n.乡愁;思乡病士兵们听了我喜欢的老歌后,心中充满了乡愁。

    nostalgia The soldiers were filled with nostalgia by hearing my old favorite song .

  4. 英国广播公司BBC近日报道称,70%的英国大学生饱受思乡之苦。

    According to a recent BBC article , 70 percent of British college students experience homesickness .

  5. 一名瑞士医生视其为一种疾病,认为士兵们的身心不适源于他们的思乡之情。Nostalgia一词来自希腊语词,nostos(返乡)以及algos(思乡之痛)。

    It was considered a disorder by a Swiss physician , who attributed soldiers " mental and physical discomfort to their longing to return home , " nostos " in Greek , and the accompanying pain , " algos . "

  6. 笑是另一剂治愈我沮丧、思乡之病的良药。

    Laughter was another medicine to cure my depression and homesickness .

  7. 柔和的音乐引发了她的思乡之愁。

    The soft music set off an attack of her homesickness .

  8. 那音乐激起他强烈的思乡之情。

    The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him .

  9. 他渴望假日是由于他的思乡病引起的。

    His longing for the holidays was caused by his homesickness .

  10. 一封家信激起了一片思乡之情。

    A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness .

  11. 乔治有段时间总也摆脱不了自己的思乡病。

    George did not get over his homesickness for some time .

  12. 当思乡病能够被解决时,为何不避免呢?

    While homesickness can be dealt with , can it be prevented ?

  13. 总是在那幽谷中的小家周围点烛思乡。

    Was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen .

  14. 乡思乡情也免不了给人们带来多方面的消极作用。

    Feeling of longing for motherland brings more negative effects .

  15. 客居异乡的瑞士人听了放牧调会引起强烈的思乡之情。

    On hearing it , those Swiss living abroad will feel homesick .

  16. 她妈妈寄来的信把她的思乡之情一下子爆发出来了。

    A letter from her mother____an attack of home sickness in her .

  17. 他为一种不可抑制的思乡情绪所侵袭。

    He was overcome with an irresistible feeling of homesickness .

  18. 日本啤酒肯定会冲走您的思乡病。

    The Japanese beer will surely " wash away " your homesickness .

  19. 魂兮归来,思乡者!

    Please come back , the soul of the homesick !

  20. 春残何事苦思乡,

    Why think bitterly of home in late spring ?

  21. 试析中国古代游子之思乡情怀&以北宋词人柳永的行旅词为例

    Analysis of The Homesick Feelings of Ancient Chinese Travelers

  22. 由于远离故土,普鲁丝妮患了思乡病,她非常想见亲爱的妹妹菲勒美拉。

    Then Procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister Philomela .

  23. 你的父母亲好吗?他们仍有思乡病。

    How are your parents ? They are still feeling a bit homesick .

  24. 侨民有可能出于爱国和思乡的原因而购买这种债券。

    There are patriotic , nostalgic reasons the diaspora might buy such bonds .

  25. 他表示,他期盼着这次旅行;他说在南极时从未闹过思乡病。

    Hillary said he had never felt homesick or isolated at the Antarctic .

  26. 然而,我的思乡病花了一阵时间才消除&如果真能消除的话。

    Homesickness , however , takes a while to wear off , if ever .

  27. 我患了思乡病,我一直牵挂着我的家乡。

    I got homesick , which has been a bugbear suspending in my heart .

  28. 它始于一种思乡之情。

    It began with a case of homesickness .

  29. 是的,不过我还是很想家,我都快得思乡病了。

    Yes , but I also miss home . I 'm going to be homesick .

  30. 本文主要对思乡类唐诗的英译风格进行初步探讨。

    This thesis is a study of style in English translation of nostalgic Tang poetry .