  • sleep;stop;end
  • bedroom;coffin chamber
  • 睡,卧:~室。~车。~宫。安~。

  • 睡觉的地方:就~。寿终正~。

  • 皇家宗庙后殿藏先人衣冠之处,亦指帝王的坟墓:~庙。陵~。

  • 停止,平息:其议遂~(那种议论于是平息)。事~。

  • 面貌难看:貌~。


(睡) sleep:

  • 独寝

    sleep alone;

  • 废寝忘食

    (so absorbed or occupied as to) forget about eating and sleeping


[书] (停止; 平息) stop; end:

  • 其事遂寝。

    The matter was then allowed to rest.; No more was heard of the matter thereafter.


(卧室) bedroom:

  • 就寝

    go to bed


(帝王的坟墓) coffin chamber:

  • 陵寝

    imperial burial place; mausoleum


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 寝承

    Qin Cheng

  1. 他到我这里来,要与我同寝,我就大声喊叫。

    He came in here to sleep with me , but I screamed .

  2. 熙宁八年六月二十四日(1075)薨于相州之正寝。

    Xining eight June 24 ( 1075 ) death of a prince is in the xiangzhou state of sleep .

  3. 其事遂寝。

    The matter was then allowed to rest . ; No more was heard of the matter thereafter .

  4. 寝殿后面是圣迹殿。

    Behind the resting hall is the hall of saint 's activities .

  5. 婚姻是唯一你和敌人同床共寝的战争。(床头打架床尾和。)

    Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy .

  6. 但求酣睡,只要孤寝独宿。

    But soundly sleeps , while now it sleeps alone .

  7. 从此犹大不再与她同寝了。

    And he had no more connection with her .

  8. 他玛说、你要与我同寝、把甚麽给我呢。

    And she said , what will you give me as my price ?

  9. 西吉斯蒙皇帝⑦的寝房今何在?

    Where is the chamber of the Emperor Sigismund ?

  10. 那一夜,雅各就与她同寝。

    So he lay with her that night .

  11. 我已经发过誓不和他同寝同眠了。

    I have forsworn his bed and company .

  12. 解州关帝庙是典型的封建礼制性建筑,采用“前庙后寝”的格局。

    The temple of GuanYu in Haizhou is a typical feudal architectures of social institutions .

  13. 另一个有趣的问题是父母是否与子女共寝。

    Another interesting issue is co-sleeping .

  14. 柔道比赛有三大技术体系:投技、寝技和当技。

    There are three major sets of techniques in judo competition : throwing , groundwork and striking .

  15. 那男人与妻子夏娃同寝。夏娃怀孕,生下该隐。

    The man lay with his wife Eve , and she conceived and gave birth to Cain .

  16. 犹大就给了她,与她同寝,她就从犹大怀了孕。

    So he gave them to her and slept with her , and she became pregnant by him .

  17. 她的头发被汗浸透了,她的寝衣湿得一块块粘在身上。

    Her long hair was drenched in sweat and her gown stuck to wet spots to her body .

  18. 他拒绝回家与妻子同寝,因为神的军队正在田野安营。

    He refused to go home to his wife while God 's armies were sleeping out in the field .

  19. 提泰妮娅:嘿,嫉妒的奥布朗!神仙们,快快走开;我已经发誓不和他同游同寝了。

    Titania what , jealous oberon ! Fairies , skip hence ; I have forsworn his bed and company .

  20. 结论:磁性远红外寝具有降低血液粘度,改善血液流变特性的作用。

    Conclusion : The magnetic far-infrared bedding has an effect on decreasing the blood viscosity and on improving the hemorrheology .

  21. 他答应不强求希巴女王共寝,但女王须发誓不擅取他任何东西。

    He promised not to pester the queen to sleep with him if she swore to take none of his possessions .

  22. 在不同性别致胜技术上,男性在「立技」、「舍身技」及「犯规」上多于女性,女性则在「寝技」表现上多于男性;

    In gender difference on winning technique , male used more TACHI-WAZA , SUTEMI-WAZA , Penalty and less NE-WAZA than female .

  23. 民中险些有人和你的妻同寝,把我们陷在罪里。

    One of the men might well have slept with your wife , and you would have brought guilt upon us .

  24. 你要教我怎么走路和说话吗食不语,寝不言

    You 're the one that 's supposed to teach me how to walk and talk , chew with my mouth closed ?

  25. 拉结说:“为你儿子的风茄,今夜他可以与你同寝。”

    " Very well ," Rachel said ," he can sleep with you tonight in return for your son 's mandrakes . "

  26. 寝帐数码之外有片柔软的草床,丹妮便把他带到这里。

    A few yards from her tent was a bed of soft grass , and it was there that Dany drew him down .

  27. 矮小的公爵夫人戴着白色的寝帽靠在枕头上(她的阵痛刚刚减轻了)。

    THE LITTLE PRINCESS was lying on the pillows in her white nightcap ( the agony had only a moment left her ) .

  28. 但暗嫩不肯听他的话.因比他力大就玷辱他、与他同寝。

    Howbeit he would not hearken unto her voice : but , being stronger than she , forced her , and lay with her .

  29. 这事以后,约瑟主人的妻以目送情给约瑟,说,你与我同寝吧。

    And after a time , his master 's wife , looking on Joseph with desire , said to him , be my lover .

  30. 许多大学生对于寝室生活充满怨言:夏季,没有空调的寝室闷热无比,晚上11点就关寝。

    Many college students complain about dorm life : a sweltering room without air-conditioning in summer and a dorm gate which is closed at11 pm .