
xīn cún ɡǎn jī
  • 熟语be grateful
  1. 对生活心存感激。不要想太多消极的事情。

    Be grateful to life . Don 't think too much about the negative things .

  2. 太多时候我们都把好事当做理所当然,而不是享受它们并心存感激。

    Too often we take good things for granted . We should enjoy them and be grateful .

  3. 我们对他们的支持一直心存感激。

    We have been very appreciative of their support

  4. 不知不觉中,我们也对消极的事情心存感激。

    Before we know it , we 're thankful for negative things , too .

  5. 随着时间的推移,你会对你经历的一切心存感激。

    With time , you will come to be thankful for everything about your experience .

  6. 当你心存感激的时候,你觉得向别人表达爱是你的责任。

    When you 're thankful , you feel it 's your duty to show love to others .

  7. 还有些人可能是《财富》杂志(Fortune)的读者,当然对于这些人我心存感激。

    Others still are likely fortune readers , to whom I am grateful .

  8. 因为有机会一脚踏入职场,有人为此而心存感激,免费工作对他们来说没什么大不了的。但2010年电影《黑天鹅》(BlackSwan)剧组工作的实习生提出的集体诉讼却改变了这种思维,而且产生了深远的影响。

    Working for free might not be a big deal for some who are just grateful to have their foot in the door , but a class-action lawsuit led by interns who worked on the set of the 2010 film , Black Swan , could change that mindset and have far-reaching implications .

  9. 公司里每个人都对他的努力工作心存感激。

    Everyone in the company is grateful for his hard work .

  10. 能够与你们站在一起,我心存感激。

    I am so grateful to stand with all of you .

  11. 我们彼此情投意合,我应该心存感激

    We enjoy each other , and I should appreciate that .

  12. 心存感激的新移民在庆丰收时也邀请了印第安人参加。

    The thankful Pilgrims included the Indians in their harvest celebration .

  13. 它让我感到兴奋我并不是不心存感激

    It 's kind of exciting , I 'm not being ungrateful

  14. 王后对于他们的幸存心存感激。

    Her Majesty gives thanks to God for their preservation .

  15. 如果你在工作中心情不好,要心存感激。

    If you had a bad day at work , be thankful .

  16. 很好,今晚对于很多事情我心存感激。

    Great . I 'm so grateful for so many things tonight .

  17. 所以当这一切发生的时候,你应当心存感激!

    So when this happens , you well be thankful !

  18. 如果你看到一根白发,要心存感激。

    If you see a gray hair , be thankful .

  19. 小天狼星:我会为此永远心存感激的。

    Sirius : I 'll be forever grateful for this .

  20. 对那些为公司努力过的人们,我心存感激。

    I felt grateful to the people who had done the work .

  21. 但奇怪的是,我对这些老师并不心存感激。

    Yet strange , I am ungrateful to these teachers .

  22. 永远不要失去希望,对你所拥有的一切心存感激。

    Never lose hope . And be thankful for what you have .

  23. 所有幸福的人都心存感激,没有感激之心的人不会幸福。

    All happy people are grateful . Ungrateful people cannot be happy .

  24. 我对着重新开始的一天心存感激。

    Thank you for the chance to begin again .

  25. 缓做官赚钱资助家人,做父亲的是应该心存感激之心。

    His farther should thank Huan for his efforts in financing family members .

  26. 大多数人对能够活着并不心存感激。

    Most people are so ungrateful to be alive .

  27. 您的每一次阅读,都让我心存感激;

    Every time you read , let me grateful ;

  28. 不管一切如何,为今天你所拥有的全部心存感激吧!

    And be thankful for what you have today !

  29. 难道我不应心存感激吗?

    And should I not then , in my heart , give thanks ?

  30. 这份报纸的发行量很大,马戏爱好者们对此心存感激。

    This paper had a large circulation and the circus freaks were thankful .