
  • 网络Heart beating;Heartbeats
  1. 他的心在跳,他感到自己的脸红了。

    His heart leaped and he felt himself reddening .

  2. 牧牛姑娘唱:我的心在跳。

    Gopis : My heart is beating .

  3. 我听得见他的心在跳。

    I could hear his heart beating .

  4. 我的心在狂跳不已,但是我仍面不改色。

    My heart was thumping wildly but I didn 't let my face show any emotion .

  5. 当我看到父亲向我走来时,我的心在狂跳。

    My heart was beating wildly when I saw my father coming towards me .

  6. 所以,尽管心在狂跳,手心狂冒汗,

    So despite a racing heart , extremely sweaty palms ,

  7. 多怕人的夜晚!他的心在狂跳。

    What a night ! His heart was beating quickly .

  8. 哈哈,不戒呀,你知道我看到刀的时候,那个心就在跳呀!

    Haha , bujie , you know that my heart is beating when seeing dao !

  9. 他的心在狂跳。

    His heart was beating frenziedly .

  10. 是我自己的心在狂跳&我不知道怎样使它宁静。

    It is my own heart that beats wildly & I do not know how to quiet it .

  11. 我能感觉到她的心在怦怦地跳。

    I could feel her heart go thump-thump-thump .

  12. 他枯坐着,紧张地瞪着稿纸上的那个题目,听着自己的心在咚咚地跳。

    He sat dully , anxiously staring at that title on the paper , listening to the thumping of his heart .

  13. 今晚棕榈叶子沙沙作响,满月的柔色洒在海面波浪上,像世界的心脉在悸跳。

    Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves , a swell in the sea , Full Moon , like the heart throb of the world .

  14. 她叹了口气,开门时心一直在怦怦直跳。

    She sighed , her heart banging away against her ribs as she opened the door .

  15. 伯莎的镇定只是表面上的,她头脑里一片混乱,心在剧烈地狂跳。

    Bertha 's calm was merely external , her brain was in a whirl and her heart beat madly .