
  • 网络It Hurts;very hurt;Injured
  1. 我注视着你读书,注视着你摩挲着自己的头发,好像你知道这每次都让我很受伤。

    I watch you read and twirl your hair as if you know how much it hurts me every time .

  2. 通过很多次的观察,非常明显姚明是说了“他妈的有本事就试图阻止我。”,不管说了什么,这让卡曼很受伤。

    Upon many further reviews , it 's clear he said " just try to f * ing stop me . " whatever it is , it hurts !

  3. "伙计!你有一个大鼻子!"我觉得很受伤,不知道该说什么。

    " Man ! You have one BIG nose ! " I felt hurt and didn 't know what to say .

  4. 伊塞亚-托马斯,他的真实防守正负值,可能使他在MVP投票中很受伤。

    Isaiah Thomas , who 's Defensive Real Plus-Minus , was horrible , probably got hurt in the MVP vote .

  5. 看着我我知道你很受伤

    Look at me . I know that you are hurting ,

  6. 他很受伤,很多天都不说一句话。

    He was so hurt , he did not speak for days .

  7. 我会看到另外一个人让你兴奋吗,很受伤吗?

    Would seeing me with another excite you ? Did that hurt ?

  8. 让我很受伤不能克服。

    Giving me a trauma I 'm unable to overcome .

  9. 用英语口语说“番茄”这个词,让我很受伤。

    It hurt me to speak tomato in oral English .

  10. 如果有人说了刻薄的话,我会很受伤。

    If somebody says something mean , it will hurt my feelings .

  11. 你知道你受伤的时候我也很受伤

    you know that when you hurt , I hurt , too .

  12. 但钱德不喜欢戴,乔伊发现以后感觉很受伤。

    Joey is hurt when he finds out Chandler doesn 't like it .

  13. 低税为何会让美国大银行很受伤

    How lower taxes could hurt America 's big banks

  14. 面对房屋和现实,我们很受伤。

    In the face of housing and reality , we are seriously hurting .

  15. 她很受伤觉得受到背叛

    She was hurt , and she felt betrayed .

  16. 对着夜空长啸:我是一匹狼,一匹很受伤的狼。

    Howl in the night : I am a wolf , a wounded wolf .

  17. 整个过程中候选人个人虽然很受伤,但是群众却为后来的大选而充分动员起来了。

    Egos were bruised , but the base was motivated for the general election .

  18. 我会让他很受伤的,而且我不能跟他道别。

    I was going to hurt him , and I couldn 't say goodbye .

  19. 苏菲,我知道你很受伤,

    Sophie , I understand you 're hurting ,

  20. 这会让他们很受伤。

    How much this would hurt them .

  21. 我昨天跟休斯谈过了,他很受伤。

    I spoke to Mark the next day and I could tell he was suffering .

  22. 人傻点,就不会太敏感,也不会很受伤。

    Be foolish , then won 't be sensitive , and won 't be hurted either .

  23. 当时可能感觉很棒,但轻率的消费会让你之后很受伤。

    It might feel great at the time but rash spending hurts a lot later on .

  24. 也许我有点小题大做,但我真的觉得很受伤。

    I am probably making a big deal out of nothing , but my feelings are really hurt .

  25. 当问及年轻的灰熊现在是什么心情时,兰多夫说他们都感觉很受伤但是并没有慌乱。

    Asked about the psyche of the youthful Griz , Randolph said they are frustrated but not disjointed .

  26. 对伯明翰我们也许打出了70%,然后却输给了伯恩利,这让每个人都很受伤。

    Against Birmingham we were probably at70 percent , then that loss against Burnley was devastating and hurt everybody .

  27. 请告诉共和党人,人民很受伤,人民很饥饿,人民需要帮助,请通过这项就业法案吧!

    Please tell the Republicans that people are hurting and are hungry and need help , pass the jobs bill .

  28. 几个月来,美国总统奥巴马因自己倡导的政策遭批驳,一直处于“很受伤”的境地。

    For the last few months , Barack Obama has been licking his wounds as his policies have taken a beating .

  29. 我记得当时听到我母亲这样说时,真的去看镜子,发现我的真实,内心深处很受伤。

    I remembered hurting deeply as I listened to my mother and really looked in the mirror discovering the truth myself .

  30. 网友们在红迪网上晒出了小时候听过的各种善意的谎言,表示“很受伤”——有些人甚至直到成年后才发现那些话是假的。

    Traumatised Reddit users have revealed the little white lies they were told as children - and many believed until adulthood .