
  • 网络It's amazing;terrific
  1. 旗开得胜,那气势是很了不起的。

    This initial victory displayed the terrific momentum of our counteroffensive .

  2. 她很棒很了不起-是的

    She is some girl . She 's terrific . - Yeah .

  3. 他是完全失聪的,从这点上来说,他是个很了不起的音乐家。

    He was a very unusual musician inasmuch as he was totally deaf .

  4. 他觉得自己很了不起。

    He has a sense of grandeur about him .

  5. 她自以为很了不起。

    She thinks she 's the bee 's knees .

  6. 我打扫了整个公寓,这让我觉得自己很了不起。

    I cleaned the flat , which left me feeling virtuous .

  7. 我认为她很了不起。

    I think she 's great .

  8. 我经常在想你会成为很了不起的女演员。

    I 've often thought you 'd make a corking good actress . "

  9. That'sreallysomething.真的很了不起。/真高明。这是我在老挝买的塑像。

    A : This is a statue I bought in Laos .

  10. v.处理,操作我觉得她对此事的处理很了不起。

    handle I was impressed by her handling of the affair .

  11. 我觉得詹姆斯(JamesWatkins)很了不起,也许他就是下一个克里斯诺兰(ChrisNolan)。

    I think James ( Watkins ) is great ; he 's going to be the next Chris Nolan I think .

  12. 他喜欢质疑现状的嗜好后来在Monster公司更受欢迎。他说:在Monster,我有一位很了不起的上司,他鼓励冒险。

    His penchant for questioning the status quo was more welcome later on at Monster , where I had a great boss who encouraged risk , he says .

  13. 考虑到三星Galaxy系列手机使用的操作系统与包括华为(Huawei)和联想(Lenovo)等中国公司的竞争对手基本相同,能取得这种成就很了不起。

    Given that its Galaxy phones run on largelythe same operating software as those of rivals , including Chinese companiessuch as Huawei and Lenovo , that is a big achievement .

  14. 加州圣塔克鲁兹(SantaCruz)排在第25名。圣荷塞《水星报》(MercuryNews)问及该市的单身贵族时,居民奥斯勒(KatyOursler)说,我能承受在这里居住,本身就很了不起。

    When asked by the Mercury News about the rich singles in Santa Cruz ( ranked No. 25 ) resident Katy Oursler said , ' I can afford to live here , that 's something . '

  15. GaryPendergast认为该宣布很了不起,但他提出了一个问题,即联盟能否做到真正的厂商中立,正如声称的那样。

    Gary Pendergast finds the announcement " awesome " but raises a question about the ability of the Alliance to be truly vendor neutral as claimed .

  16. 由于即便是拍摄一段十分钟的连续场景都是非常困难的,Sokurov的成就的确是很了不起的。

    Given that it 's pretty hard to make even a ten-minute continuous scene , Sokurov 's achievement is truly heroic .

  17. 她夸耀过去的成绩就是为了让我们觉得她很了不起。

    She played up her past achievements just to impress us .

  18. 就容量和速度而言,计算机确实很了不起。

    A computer is powerful in terms of capacity and speed .

  19. 一天干完这活是很了不起的事。

    Finishing the work in one day is a great effort .

  20. 演出的组织都已经取得了很了不起的成绩。

    The organizers of the show have achieved something quite extraordinary .

  21. 他们有爸爸妈妈很了不起吗?

    So what if they have a father or a mother ?

  22. 那狼是个有着战士决心,很了不起的猎人。

    The wolfis a great hunter with a warrior 's heart .

  23. 一定会是座很了不起的树屋的。

    That 's gonna be a hell of a tree house .

  24. 莫扎特的乐曲,其数量之巨就已很了不起了。

    The sheer bulk of Mozart 's music is extraordinary .

  25. 你看到了?她是不是很了不起吗?

    Did you see her , mammy ? Wasn 't she wonderful ?

  26. 她望着我,难道这不是已很了不起吗?

    She looked at me ; was not that immense ?

  27. 能摆脱这类不利条件的女子显然是很了不起的。

    A woman who can rise above such disadvantages is clearly exceptional .

  28. 海南岛好好发展起来,是很了不起的。

    When it is fully developed , the results should be extraordinary .

  29. 这些家伙以为他们真的很了不起,不是吗?

    These guys think they 're really great , don 't they ?

  30. 我很了不起吧?

    I 'm a real piece of work , huh ?