
hěn jiǔ yǐ hòu
  • long after
  1. 这些诗人中有很多都是在去世很久以后作品才得以发表的。

    Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths

  2. 我花了一年多时间就毫不费力的可以读懂纽约时报,但是很久以后才华勉强读完DaVinciCode。

    It took me more than a year is effortless can read the New York times , but long after reading Da Vinci Code talent reluctantly .

  3. 真的,这种病只能在很久以后才能看出它的影响,而5年的时间还不够长。

    You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term , and five years wasn 't long enough

  4. 耽搁了很久以后,他找到时间写这封信。

    After a long delay , he got around to writing the letter .

  5. 讨论很久以后,他使她接受了他的看法。

    After a good deal of discussion he brought her around to his way of thinking .

  6. 授权框架可以通用化并由几乎任何应用程序(无论是否基于Web)采用,这个认识是很久以后才出现的。

    The realization that the authorization framework could be generalized and adopted by nearly any application , Web-based or not , came much later .

  7. 至于如何从这些用户身上实实在在挣到钱这种细枝末节的问题,是留给很久以后以50倍预期市盈率的价格购买Facebook股票的投资者的。

    Such petty details as actually earning money off these users are left for the distant future by anyone buying Facebook 's stock at 50 times forward earnings .

  8. 我们很久以后才会再见面。

    It will be long before we see each other again .

  9. 唔,那是很久以后的事。

    Well , that 's long time in the future .

  10. 在那很久以后,日本银行开始增发了大量钞票。

    Only much later did it start to print lots of money .

  11. 很久以后,你是不是也会把我忘记呢?

    After a long time , will you forget me , too ?

  12. 很久以后,女孩有了另一场爱情。

    After a long time , the girl had a new love .

  13. 要是我当时就知道这个我很久以后才明白的道理就好了!

    If I had only known then what I discovered long afterwards !

  14. 罪犯经过我们追捕了很久以后,终于被我们抓住了。

    The criminal gave us a long chase before we caught him .

  15. 这事很久以后才彻底解决。

    The matter was not finally settled until much later .

  16. 星星在它消亡很久以后依旧会发光。

    The star 's light shines on long after it has died .

  17. 很久以后将发生的事。

    Events that will happen far in the future .

  18. 以下是很久以后的1921年,布赖恩再次朗读他的演讲。

    Here is Bryan reading his speech much later , in nineteen twenty-one .

  19. 很久以后他才回来。

    It was long before he came back .

  20. 他女友不友好地离他而去令他很久以后还耿耿于怀。

    The unkind way in which his girlfriend left him still rankled long after .

  21. 战犯的后代直到很久以后才慢慢开始撰写较为尖锐的文章,尤其是在德国。

    Very slowly , particularly in Germany , descendants of culprits began writing harsher accounts .

  22. 在她离开这里很久以后。

    Long after the day she left .

  23. 而且很有可能的是,这种观念上的差异直到很久以后才被发现。

    And it 's likely that the discrepancy won 't be detected until much later .

  24. 直到很久以后,我才意识到我有多愚蠢。

    It wasn 't until years later that I realized how foolish I 'd been .

  25. 法官通常都不会公开判案细节,即使公开也是在很久以后。

    Judges often do not publish detailed rulings , or do so only after much delay .

  26. 后来或很久以后我才写了那些东西。

    I wrote that long afterwards .

  27. 很久以后我才有再谈恋爱的勇气。

    It was a long time before I had the courage to fall in love again .

  28. 士兵们认为要在很久以后才能重建平民政府。

    The soldiers thought that it would be a long time before civil government would be re-established .

  29. 在时隔很久以后他们打我电话时,我能在电话的问候中报出他们的名字,他们将会感到吃惊。

    People are surprised when they call me after extended timeframes and I greet them by name .

  30. 很久以后你回到家,一定会做恶梦梦到你的中国之行的!

    You are sure to see nightmares about your Chinese trip long after you return back home !