
  • 网络reciprocating internal combustion engine;reciprocating engines;RIC
  1. 往复式内燃机工作中曲轴系统产生扭转振动、使曲轴及有关零部件过早损坏、影响内燃机安全可靠地运转、同时产生过大的振动和噪声的问题。

    The torsional vibration in crankshaft system during the work of reciprocating internal combustion engine will cause crankshaft and related parts damage early , effect the safety and reliability of engine operation , as well as produce exceeding vibration and noise .

  2. 浅谈爆炸性气体环境用往复式内燃机的防爆技术

    Ex Technology for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Used in Hazardous Location

  3. GB/T4672-1984往复式内燃机手操纵机构动作方向

    Reciprocating internal combustion engines Hand operated control devices Standard direction of motion

  4. GB/T2820.5-1997往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组第5部分:发电机组

    Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets & Part 5 : Generating sets

  5. GB/T6809.1-1986往复式内燃机内燃机零部件名词和定义第一部分固定件及外部罩盖

    Reciprocating internal combustion engines Terms and definitions of engine components Part 1 : Structure and external covers

  6. 加平衡轴的方法可以显著降低高速往复式内燃机的振动和噪声。

    The vibration and noise level of high speed reciprocated engine can be remarkably reduced with balanced shaft .

  7. 本次稳流试验用来预测新颖的椭圆气缸往复式内燃机的性能。

    A stead flow test that predicts the performance of the novel internal combustion engine with oval bore is presented .

  8. 根据往复式内燃机工作的本质特征,选择了与传统时间域及频率域不同的曲轴角度域及频率域,对汽车发动机的瞬时转速波动进行了划分。

    According to the basic characteristics of internal combustion engines , crank angle domain and its frequency domain were chosen , and engine momentary speed fluctuations were divided .

  9. GB/T15548-1995往复式内燃机驱动的三相同步发电机通用技术条件近代呼吸器常使用的驱动条件通常是压力驱动或者是气流驱动。

    General specification for three-phase synchronous generator driven by reciprocating internal combustion engine Pressure-triggering and / or flow-triggering are the most frequent modes we have used as triggering variables .

  10. 本文将讨论这项技术的最新进展,该技术在国外越来越广泛地应用于轿车用的高速往复式内燃机(汽油机和柴油机)。

    This paper will discuss the new development about this technology which is more and more used in high speed reciprocated engine ( gasoline and diesel engine ) for passenger car in industrialized countries .

  11. 内外函式喷气发动机(有加力燃烧室)小型摩托车,装有往复式活塞内燃机的除外

    Motor scooter other than with a reciprocating internal combustion piston engine

  12. 机动脚踏车(不包括轨道脚踏车),装有往复式活塞内燃机的除外

    Cycle , motorized ( excl. tail cycles ), other than with a reciprocating internal combustion piston engine

  13. 这些优点使得大部分现代汽车都使用往复式的内燃机。

    Owing to these above advantages , most of the modern cars make use of reciprocating internal combustion engine .