
  1. 和而不同&影视教育如何面对新媒体时代

    How to Face the New Media Era in Cinema and TV Education

  2. 试论网络时代高校影视教育的立体架构

    On the Solid Structure of Education Employing Movie Materials in Higher Education Institutions

  3. 中国高校影视教育状况调研分析

    An Analysis of the Film and TV Education Situation in Institutions of Higher Learning in China

  4. 中国影视教育专业课程设置与改革的若干问题

    Several Problems in the Curriculum Setting and Reform of Film and TV Education Majors in China

  5. 那么动画片是否应该作为先锋第一个引入到中学影视教育的课堂呢?动画片首先进入中学是否会有争议呢。

    Then the animation should first introduced as a pioneer in film and television education ? First , whether the cartoon controversy into it secondary .

  6. 最后说明影视教育进入中学教育体系的可行性,为中学生影视教育提出一些可借鉴的建议。

    Finally , the article will prove the possibility of making film and TV education into the high school education system , and give some ideas and suggestions .

  7. 然后通过梳理国内外影视教育的历史说明影视资源介入母语课程早有成功的先例可供借鉴。

    And then combing the history of education , domestic and international film and television shows video of resources involved in mother-tongue courses already successful precedent for reference .

  8. 2000年6月1日,教育部、文化部、广电总局主办的全国中小学生影视教育成果汇报展览和汇演在北京人民大会堂举行。

    On June1st , 2000 , Film Education Achievement Report and Exhibition was held in Beijing People 's Grand Hall by Education Ministry , Culture Ministry and Broadcast and TV station .

  9. 第二部分说明电影作为大众文化之一,在当今社会所起到的作用,以及电影对青少年的影响,由此得出在中学开设影视教育课程的必要性。

    The second part describes film as popular culture , its function to the society and how does movie affect young people , and then prove the necessity of having film and TV education for high school students .

  10. 首先从影视教育的特征与语文课程的特点入手,寻找两者的契合点,试图证明影视资源与中学语文课程是可以整合的。

    First , from the characteristics of film and television education and language characteristics of the course to start looking for a fit between the two points , trying to prove that video Resources and secondary language courses can be integrated .

  11. 中国影视艺术教育探索与影视艺术教学模式的建构

    Chinese Film and Art Education and Its Teaching Mode Construction

  12. 高等影视艺术教育人才培养模式改革探究

    A Study of Talent Training Model of Higher Education of Film and Television Arts

  13. 影视文化教育引入中职语文教学的途径与方式

    The Way to Movie and Television Culture Education Introduction Secondary Vocational School Language Teaching

  14. 影视高职教育如何应对新媒体的挑战

    How the High Vocational Education of Movie & TV Tackles the Challenge of the New Media

  15. 论视觉文化语境中我国高校的影视素质教育

    On Quality Education in Films and TV Programs at Colleges in Our Country in the Context of Visual Culture

  16. 在教育的价值愈发被人们看重的今天,对影视艺术教育的研究与开展却仍较为滞后。

    The value of education today increasingly valued by people , on research and education in visual arts are still lagging behind to carry out .

  17. 影视素质教育相关课程的开设,在综合提升中学生影视素质方面,会具有其它学科不可替代的作用。

    Video quality of education-related courses are , in terms of comprehensive quality video to enhance students will have an irreplaceable role in other disciplines .

  18. 三是文化、广播影视、教育、中医药服务等具有中国特色的服务,出口潜力得到进一步发掘。

    Third , export potentials of services with Chinese characteristics such as culture , radio , film and television , education and Chinese pharmacology have been further explored .

  19. 本文也将试图对这一理论界的空白加以力所能及的填补以期对影视艺术教育的思考提供一种新的思路。

    This paper will attempt to empty the theory to be within its power sector in order to fill the Education of visual arts to provide a new way of thinking .

  20. 那么影视艺术教育如何能受到中学生的喜欢,影视艺术如何能轻松愉快地被中学生所接受,这就需要一定的技术和技巧。

    So how can the visual arts education by secondary school students like it , how visual arts can be relaxed and happy to be accepted by students , which requires certain techniques and skills .

  21. 影视艺术教育是当代中国高等艺术教育不可缺少的重要组成部分,是新时期中国高校本科教育与时俱进的一个侧面和缩影。

    Film and TV art education is a very important part of Chinese higher art education . It also can be looked on as a result or a symbol of the development of Chinese higher art education in the new period .

  22. 以实践转化为落点的影视艺术本科教育教学模式

    An undergraduate education and teaching mode of film TV art targeting at practice transformation

  23. 浅谈影视高等职业教育教师主体作用的发挥

    On Exertion of Subject Function of Teachers in Higher Vocational Education of Movie & TV

  24. 目前,虚拟现实技术广泛应用于工程应用、科学应用、影视娱乐、教育培训、军事应用等方面,它有着广阔的应用前景。

    At present , virtual reality technology is applied to such respects as scientific application , movie & TV amusement , education and training , military application , etc.

  25. 设在WH的省级广播电视播出机构就有包括卫星广播电视在内的18个专业频道,如综艺、经济、影视、体育、教育等。

    There are 18 provincial radio and TV broadcasting institutions in Wuhan which cover a wide range such as entertainment , economy , movie and TV , sports and education .

  26. 近年来,在影视、广告和教育行业,图象变形技术取得了广泛的应用。

    In recent years , it has found widespread uses in entertainment , advertisement and education .

  27. 中国戏曲学院的毕业生广泛活跃于中国的各类演出团体、媒体、影视制作以及戏曲教育及评论等领域。

    Since the1950s , past graduates are actively engaged in Chinese dramatic troupes , media arts , and filmmaking as well as theatrical education and criticism .

  28. 以影视文化和素质教育为理论支点,探讨了影视文化与当代大学生素质教育的关系。

    Based on screen and video culture as well as quality education , this paper probes into the relationship between screen and video culture and quality education of modern college students .

  29. 而纪实主义电影美学理论的重要理论源流就是现象学现实主义。运用现代美学理论,对影视作品的审美教育功能进行分析,着重研究当前影视现象,推断未来影视的发展方向。

    This paper analyzes film and TV 's function in aesthetic education by means of modern aesthetic theory , emphatically researches the present film and TV phenomena , and infers the development direction of future film and TV .

  30. 随着影视艺术的发展,影视教育逐步建立并迅速发展开来,而其中的职业技术教育更以其实践技术优势,在近几年的发展中形成了较大的规模。

    With the development of Movie and Video , Movie and Video education came into being and grow very fast , and its professional education develops even faster due to its advantages in practical technology .