
  • 网络Film and Television Production;Producing;Video Production;Film Making;Premiere
  1. 在很多二维特别是三维的动漫和影视制作、建筑设计等与图形设计相关的领域中,大量需要通过计算机进行图像的渲染(Render),这是所有设计中所必不可少的一个程序。

    In the 3D animation , video production , architectural design and graphic design , etc. related to the number of creative and production areas , rendering ( Render ) is indispensable for all design a program .

  2. 高中影视制作课程多元智能教学与评价研究

    Research on Teaching and Evaluation of Senior High School Video Production Course Baced on Multi-intelligence Theory

  3. JamMedia是一家位于洛杉矶的独立影视制作公司。

    Jam Media is an independent film and TV production company based in Los Angeles .

  4. 实现影视制作网络资源共享的SGI与PC配置设计

    Design of SGI and PC configuration for sharing the resources in film and TV production network

  5. 来自重庆工商大学影视制作专业的周颖(音译)教授说:每个人都幻想着完美的另一半,希望TA是俊男或美女。

    Everyone fancies a perfect partner , handsome or beautiful , says Zhou Ying , professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University .

  6. 目前影视制作公司正在把2K版本的电影放进蓝光光碟里面,在推销的时候说母版是4K或拍摄的时候是4K。

    For now , studios are putting 2K versions of movies on Blu-ray discs and promoting them as mastered or filmed in 4K .

  7. CG技术改变了影视制作方式和创作流程,把视觉效果推向了一个崭新的高度,推动了影视艺术的数字化发展。

    CG technology has changed the production way and creative processes of film and television , pushed the visual effects into a new height and promoted the development of digital video art .

  8. 美国的大型影视制作公司,包括HBO和华纳兄弟,已经开始通过创办合资企业、建立伙伴关系以及参与资助一些项目,在进军中国市场。

    Some of America 's biggest television and movie production houses , including HBO and Warner Bros. , are already pushing into China with a raft of joint ventures , partnerships and cofinancing projects .

  9. “EAEC东亚星恒影视制作”主管EAEC东亚星恒电影与电视剧节目生产的部门。

    " Film and TV serial drama production center of EAEC " charge of producing movie and TV serial drama .

  10. 虽然狮门娱乐的影视制作发行业务很成功,但是该公司在经营内容门户网站方面毫无经验。和Netflix这样的纯发行商不同,狮门娱乐在内容合作方面的作用可能有限。

    While Lions Gate is a successful movie and television producer and distributor , it has no experience in running an online content portal and is potentially limited in its content relationships unlike a pure-play distributor like Netflix .

  11. 安德烈·巴赞(AndreBazin)在他的《电影手册》里曾经这样说过&场面调度的力量对于影视制作是如此重要以至于它在电影理论上引发了一条重要的美学的和哲学的道路。

    Andre Bazin ( Andre Bazin ) used said in his " Film Guide " - " mise en scene " is a extraordinary important strength to movies and TV programs , it has shown us a significant path to the aesthetic philosophy .

  12. 影视制作中非线性编辑发展现状

    The Present Condition of Non-linear Edition in Film and Television Making

  13. 磁盘阵列在影视制作中的应用

    The Application of Disk Array in the Film & TV Production

  14. 基于混合式学习的影视制作课程实训包的设计及应用

    Blended-learning-based Design and Application of the Practical Training Package for the Video-making Course

  15. 影视制作技术中的虚拟演播室

    The Virtual Studio for Film and TV Making

  16. 卡通影视制作与设计专业的影视广告有相关的联系,许多影视广告离不开这种制作形式。

    The making of cartoon is related to the designed advertising of film television .

  17. 浅谈数字影视制作与编辑

    The Making and Editing of Digital Video

  18. 点击制作,为广告主及代理商提供专业的影视制作服务。

    Click film video creation serves advertisers and agents with professional film and video creation .

  19. 希望此课题的研究能对影视制作行业起到一定的促进作用。

    I hope this research may play an important role in film and television production industry .

  20. 在激烈的市场竞争中,傲视影视制作公司不断扩大。

    In the fierce market competition , the way film and television production companies are expanding .

  21. 信息系统是专门针对某气象影视制作单位内部实际情况而开发的企业应用系统。

    This system is a special enterprise application system for a meterological film & TV group .

  22. 另外,证交会还要求好莱坞的四家影视制作公司提供它们在中国获得的交易信息。

    The SEC is also asking four Hollywood studios for information on deals they procured in China .

  23. 徐静蕾的杂志和影视制作公司现在共雇了20多人,其中大多是20多岁的年轻人。

    Her magazine and production companies now employ about two dozen people , mostly in their 20s .

  24. 它在图像处理、影视制作及虚拟现实领域有着广泛的应用。

    It has been widely used in Image Processing , film and video production , and Virtual Reality .

  25. 他现在正尝试吸引好莱坞影视制作公司来青岛的娱乐中心和新影视基地。

    He is now trying to lure Hollywood filmmakers to the new production studio and entertainment district in Qingdao .

  26. 上海造欣文化传播有限公司是影视制作服务及活动策划执行公司。

    Shanghai Zaoxin Culture Media Co ' . LTD is a movie making and event planning and execution company .

  27. 我在大学期间,一个偶然的机会得到了一个在影视制作公司实习的机会。

    In college , I got an occasional opportunity to be an intern in a film and television making company .

  28. 广东原创动力文化传播有限公司是一家集影视制作、卡通动漫创作于一体的专业影视制作公司。

    Creative Power Entertaining ( CPE ) is a professional AV production house with a special strength in animated cartoon creation .

  29. 至于表演,我觉得是影视制作中很重要的一个环节,也是我另外的兴趣爱好。

    As for the show , I think film and television production is a very important aspect of my other Interests .

  30. 由于该技术广泛地应用于图像合成、虚拟演播室、图像传输、影视制作以及家庭娱乐中,所以其具有巨大的商业价值。

    This technique is widely used for image composition , virtual studio system , image transmission , movie making and family entertainment .