
  • 网络morphological classification;morphological taxonomy
  1. 结论:根据肿块形态分类的初步结果,结合病变的CT征象的分析结果对肺炎性肿块与周围型肺癌的鉴别有重要价值。

    Conclusion : Combining the results of morphological classification of masses with the CT signs of lesions have important value in the differentiation of pulmonary inflammatory mass and peripheral lung carcinoma .

  2. 在心电报告中,根据ST段分类结果,增加了ST段形态分类结果,有助于医生分析ST段变化的原因。

    It can be used to analyze of ECG data of people doing exercise . In ECG reports , we added ST Segment morphological classification , it may be helpful for doctors to analyze reasons of ST Segment variation .

  3. 基于不变矩的SAR图象海面油膜形态分类

    The Morphologic Classification of Sea Surface Slicks in SAR Image Based on Invariant Moments

  4. 棕囊藻的生物学概述I.形态分类和生理生态学

    The biology of Phaeocystis I.the morphology , physiology and ecology of Phaeocystis

  5. 酯酶同工酶酶谱Rf值的聚类结果反映参加聚类类群亲缘关系与形态分类有一定程度的吻合。

    The relationship of some species showing by cluster figure of EST isozyme zymogram Rm is certain similar with showing by morphological result .

  6. 对南京地区38个蜡梅品种进行RAPD分析,RAPD分析聚类效果良好,与形态分类结果吻合;

    2.38 cultivars of Wintersweet in Nanjing are used in RAPD analysis . The results of cluster analysis by RAPD are good , just the same as the result from morphology studies .

  7. 运用Tessler形态分类法研究了南充城市土壤中的Cu的含量及其化学形态分布。

    Using Tessler scheme , we have studied the content and chemical speciation distribution of Cu in urban soils of Nanchong .

  8. 方法应用染色法按Fairley尿红细胞形态分类和Chu尿红细胞形态新的分类计数法,观察35倒尿毒症患者尿红细胞形态变化。

    Methods in 35 patients with uremia , the shape of urinary erythrocytes was observed by staining , and classified by Fairley and Chu renal erythrocytes counting .

  9. 所研究的豹蛛属的4个种在两种构树方法(NJ法和MP法)下所获得的分子系统树中均优先聚在一起,是较进化的类群。与传统形态分类结果一致。

    The4 examined species of Pardosa was grouped together between two methods of phylogenetic analysis ( NJ and MP ), which is the most evolutive group , as same as recent taxonomy .

  10. 河流的河道平面形态分类有多种方案,其中Rust的分类因为分出了网状河流而得到沉积学家的更多关注。

    According to channel planforms in the world , there are many classification schemes of fluvial rivers in which the scheme proposed by Rust ( 1978 ) received extensive attention from many sedimentologists because one of its river types is classied as the anastomosing .

  11. 星座图法在二叠纪末期Albaillella属放射虫化石形态分类中的应用

    Application of constellation graph to the morphological classification of albaillella ( radiolaria ) from latest Permian

  12. 结论:胆囊癌的发生发展对女性激素有一定的依赖性,AgNOR计数及形态分类对胆囊癌的生物学行为、预后、病理诊断及治疗均有一定的参考价值。

    Conclusion : The occurrence and development of gallbladder carcinoma was somewhat dependent on female hormone . The counts and classification in structure of AgNOR had significant value in the evaluation of biological behavior , prognosis , pathologic diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder carcinoma .

  13. 使用马丁-孟加拉红培养基和MMN培养基作为分离培养基,从3个分布区分离出了366个菌株,并通过形态分类与ITS-RFLP分子标记相结合的方法,将其分为19类。

    The author uses Martin medium and MMN nutrient medium as the basis of the separation culture , separates 366 bacterial strain from three distributions and classifies it into 19 categories by combining form classification and ITS-RFLP molecular markers .

  14. 特征值法在软岩巷道围岩变形形态分类中的应用

    Application of characteristic value analysis in classification of wall rock deformation

  15. 聚类结果与传统的形态分类一致。

    The result of cluster is consistent with traditional morphological classification .

  16. 试论玄武岩柱状节理的形态分类与成因分类

    Discussion on Morphological and Genetical Classification of Columnar Joints in Basalt

  17. 作者通过对十例腰椎间盘突出症手术摘除的髓核组织进行形态分类和光镜、电镜的组织学观察。

    Nucleus pulpous tissues excised by surgical operation were classified .

  18. 胭脂虫的形态分类及生物学特性概述

    A Summary of Morphology , Taxonomy and Biology of Cochineal

  19. 方法现场观测描述法和形态分类法。

    Methods Observation and description in fields , morphological taxonomy .

  20. 胶原的形态分类及其生理机能

    Classes of the forms of collagens and their physiological functions

  21. 方法形态分类和系统发育分析相结合的方法。

    Methods Combination of morphological classification and phylogenic analysis .

  22. 基于人工神经网络的水库纵剖面形态分类

    Classification of shapes of reservoirs ' longitudinal sections based on artificial neural networks

  23. 英汉使役心理动词的形态分类和句法结构比较分析

    The Morphological Categories and Syntactic Structures of Psych Causative Verbs in English and Chinese

  24. 过去对棘蛙的研究主要集中于在形态分类、生理、胚胎、生化、细胞遗传等方面,仅对3种棘蛙进行过分子生物学研究。

    Most of the research on Paa in the past focused on morphological taxonomy .

  25. 审美形态分类综述

    A Summary of the Classifications of Aesthetic Patterns

  26. 寰椎后弓形态分类与椎弓螺钉固定的解剖学研究

    The classification of arch of posterior atlas and anatomic study of the pedicle screw fixation

  27. 杜鹃花属的子叶形态分类

    Cotyledon morphology and classification of genus Rhododendron

  28. 家族企业的概念界定及其形态分类

    The Definitions and Models of Family Enterprise

  29. 这些分子系统学的结果均与形态学的结果相一致,是对形态分类的有力支持。

    Therefore , the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis support the morphological results in genus Polyura .

  30. 状具有相似的规律性。蜡泌物的特征为形态分类提供了新证据。

    New evidences are provided by waxy secretion in supporting of classification based on general morphology .