首页 / 词典 / good

  • record;register;collection;selections
  • record;write down;copy;select
  • 记载,抄写:记~。载~。抄~。~供。

  • 记载言行或事物的书册:语~。目~。回忆~。

  • 采取,任用:~取。收~。~用。甄~(经审查鉴别而任用)。


(用做记载物的名称) record; register; collection; selections:

  • 目录

    list; catalogue;

  • 同学录

    register of alumni;

  • 语录

    quotation; a book of quotations


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 录献

    Lu Xian


(记载; 抄写) record; write down; copy:

  • 记录

    take notes; record;

  • 抄录

    copy down


(采取或任用) select; employ; hire:

  • 摘录

    take passages; make extracts;

  • 收录

    employ; take on


(用磁带记录) tape-record:

  • 报告已经录下来了。

    The speech has been tape-recorded.

  • 她的声音录下来很好听。

    Her voice records well.

  1. 你记得为我录下那个节目了吗?

    Did you remember to record that programme for me ?

  2. 你可以预选想看的节目并预设录像机录下来。

    You can preselect programmes you want to watch , and program your VCR to record them .

  3. 录音录到一半吉他手溜走了。

    The guitarist went AWOL in the middle of the recording .

  4. 这种病毒通过电子邮件自动转发给通讯录中的每个人。

    The virus mails itself forward to everyone in your address book .

  5. 答案可以写下来或口述录在磁带上。

    Answers can be written or presented orally on tape .

  6. 她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。

    She copied the phone number into her address book .

  7. 他录下了演出前班级的排练。

    He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance .

  8. 可录学生的名额不可避免地很有限。

    The number of places available is necessarily limited .

  9. 磁带开始录时告诉我一声。

    Tell me when the tape starts recording .

  10. 采访谈话先录了音,然后再抄录出来。

    The interview was recorded and then transcribed .

  11. 你记得录那个节目了吗?

    Did you remember to video that programme ?

  12. 这两个人的私下谈话被录下音来送给了一家报纸。

    Private conversations between the two had been taped and sent to a newspaper .

  13. 与会代表名单读起来像个商界名人录。

    The list of delegates attending read like a who 's who of the business world .

  14. 警方认为那盘录像带可能录有能确认凶手身份的一些重要线索。

    The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer .

  15. 没有什么办法可以阻止观众用录像机把电影录下来。

    There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape

  16. 磁带已经转到头了,但是什么也没录上。

    The tape had run to the end but recorded nothing .

  17. 他没有意识到录音机还在录。

    He had failed to realise that the tape recorder was still running

  18. 我的录音机并没有把每一个字都录下来。

    My tape recorder did not catch every last word .

  19. 他刚刚录完了他的最后一张独唱唱片。

    He had just completed his final solo album .

  20. 谈话被录了下来,并在法庭上播放。

    The conversation was tape-recorded and played in court .

  21. 手机天生就不安全,因为任何人都可以听到并录下谈话。

    Cellular phones are inherently insecure , as anyone can listen to and record conversations .

  22. 龙头股指数录得16个百分点的跌幅。

    The index of the performance of leading shares recorded a 16 per cent fall .

  23. 她录下了整个行程。

    She videotaped the entire trip .

  24. 他走到我的桌旁,非常随意地拿起了我的通讯录。

    He walked by my table and , casually as you please , picked up my address book

  25. 他们动作飞快,想尽量多录一点。

    They 've been going hell for leather , trying to record as much as they can .

  26. 这位艺术家把关于各种话题的访谈录了下来,并为每种声音塑造了一个贴切的动物模型。

    The artist recorded interviews on a variety of topics and modelled an appropriate animal for each voice .

  27. “我觉得那是一派胡言。”——“没错,我们已经把它录在磁带上了。”

    ' I thought it was a load of rubbish . ' — ' Right we 've got that on tape . '

  28. 他的名字已上了《名人录》。

    He has his name in Who 's Who .

  29. 报告已经录下来了。

    The speech has been tape-recorded .

  30. 她的声音录下来很好听。

    Her voice records well .