
  • 网络contemporary art;Contemporary Fine Art
  1. 中国消费文化的发展及其对当代美术的影响

    The Development of China 's Consumption Culture and Its Influence on Contemporary Fine Art

  2. 直岛当代美术馆及加建工程,香川县,日本

    Naoshima Contemporary Art Museum and annex , kagawa , japan , 1995

  3. 当代美术教师知识结构的研究

    Research of the Contemporary Fine Arts Teacher 's Knowledge Structure

  4. 油画自画像在中国当代美术中的价值

    The Value of Self-portraits Oil Painting in Chinese Contemporary Art

  5. 当代美术交叉学科发展析因

    The Reasons of Development of Interdisciplinary Science of Art in the Present

  6. 写实主义油画是中国当代美术理论争辩中,一个永恒的主题。

    Realistic painting is an eternal theme in Chinese contemporary art theory .

  7. 全球化情势下的中国当代美术

    Chinese Contemporary Art in the State of Affairs of Globalization

  8. 互动&当代美术教育面临的挑战

    Interaction & Contemporary Art Education Is Confronted with the Challenge

  9. 绘画语言演变视角里的当代美术

    On the Modern Fine Arts in the Evolutional Visual Angle of Painting Language

  10. 浅识当代美术的文化趋向

    An Initial Understanding of Today 's Fine Art Trends

  11. 当代美术人格教化作用的思考

    Reflections on the Cultivating Role of the Fine Arts in the Actual Backgrounds

  12. 回顾与展望&湖北现当代美术扫描

    Retrospection and Expectation Scanning Hubei Province Contemporary Fine Arts

  13. 当代美术审美价值取向管窥

    Restricted View the Tropism of Contemporary Art Aesthetic Values

  14. 后现代视域下的当代美术嬗变

    Variation of Contemporary Art from the perspective of Post-modernism

  15. 当代美术馆的内部空间

    The Interior Spaces of the Art Museums in Contemporary

  16. 当代美术理论的热闹与窘困

    The Flourish and Leanness of Contemporary Arts Theory

  17. 中国当代美术教育之断想

    Thoughts of Contemporary Fine Arts Eduction in China

  18. 从吴冠中的艺术道路看当代美术教育

    From the Road of Wu Guanzhong 's Art to Look the Contemporary Art Education

  19. 当代美术评价标准对话

    A Dialogue of Evaluative Standards for Modern Arts

  20. 台湾当代美术兴起于政治革新前后,这并非巧合,而是两者存在着直接的关联。

    It is not by coincidence , but there is a direct relationship of both .

  21. 图像文化与当代美术教育

    Image Culture and Contemporary Art Education

  22. 2001年未来是一张床,当代美术馆,北京。

    In2001 , The Future is a Bed , Contemporary Art Museum , Beijing , China .

  23. 对当代美术教育的新思考

    New Thinking on Contemporary Artistic Education

  24. 中国当代美术应该关怀谁?

    Chinese contemporary art cares whom ?

  25. 浅析白色建筑的演进&巴塞罗那当代美术馆游历后的思考

    Analysis of the evolution of " white building " - Thoughts after visiting Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

  26. 中国当代美术作为社会生活的一个方面也不可避免地进入了这个现代化进程。

    As a part of the society life , Chinese contemporary art is also inevitably entering this modernization proceeding .

  27. 在这种大环境下,当代美术作品常常以一种反叛的形态来对这个充满矛盾的社会做出回应。

    In this general situation , contemporary works of art typically respond negatively to the society filled with contradictions .

  28. 谨此,预祝“北欧。漳州当代美术作品联展”取得圆满成功。

    Here , I want to extend my sincere wish to great success of the Northern Europe & Zhangzhou Modern Artworks Exhibition .

  29. 陈凡画廊愿成为艺术家和收藏家的桥梁,为中国当代美术事业做出贡献。

    We hope that we can make a great contribution to Chinese contemporary arts careers as a bridge between artists and collectors .

  30. 中国当代美术在这段时间处于一种现代化的复苏与初步发展的阶段。

    The first period was 1978-1989 . Chinese contemporary art in this period was being at a recovery of modernization and elementary development .