
  • 网络Contemporary TV
  1. 当代电视剧中的市民价值意向

    Value Intention of Citizens in Contemporary TV Plays

  2. 当代电视发展视角的都市审美文化及其世俗化特征

    The Urban Aesthetic Culture in the Perspective of Contemporary TV Development and Its Characteristics of Secularization

  3. 中国当代电视新闻传播观念的沿革

    The Evolution of Notions of TV News Communication in Contemporary China

  4. 去中心思想研究及当代电视纪录片的去中心分析

    The Study of De-centering Thought and the De-centering Analysis of Contemporary Tv-documentary

  5. 我们将要做当代电视节目当之无愧的楷模。

    We 'll be the very model of a modern network TV show .

  6. 论中国当代电视文艺的价值取向与价值实现

    On the Value Tropism and the Value Realization of Chinese Contemporary Television Literature

  7. 当代电视广告的发展趋势

    On the Development Trend of TV Advertisement

  8. 民粹主义:中国当代电视文化的一种话语实践

    Populism in Contemporary Television Culture in China

  9. 当代电视新闻报道的困境

    Dilemma of Contemporary Television News Reporting

  10. 同时也谈及了中国当代电视纪录片在选题上的某些误区。

    Finally , it deals with some problem areas in selecting subjects for contemporary Chinese TV documentaries .

  11. 机械复制与电视传媒的神化&试论当代电视传媒的负面特征

    Mechanical Copy and Deification of TV Media & A Discussion of Modern TV Media 's Negative Characteristics

  12. 当代电视广告叙事以传统的叙事学理论为基础和指导,充分整合了声音、图像等多种视听因素。

    Under the narrative theory and guidance the contemporary TV commercials integrate the voice , images and other audio-visual factors .

  13. 当代电视剧中的城市意象主要包括自然意象、社会文化与民俗意象、人物与事物意象。

    The city image in contemporary TV drama mainly includes natural image , social culture and custom image , people and event image .

  14. 对中国当代电视纪录片文化与美学进行探索,有助于确认它自身的身份与功能,从而在实践中创作出更多佳作。

    To explore the paradigm of the contemporary Chinese TV documentaries will be important for the confirmation of its identity and bring out more masterpieces .

  15. 经济的发展促使了中国市民阶层的崛起,同时也带来了日常生活叙事在中国当代电视文化中的兴盛。

    The economic development causes the rise of Chinese townspeople as well as the prosperity of daily narrative works in China 's contemporary TV play culture .

  16. 对电视仪式的研究既可以展示古代仪式的现代表征,亦可以揭示当代电视人类学的深刻意义与广阔前景。

    Studies on the TV ritual can show not only the modern representation of ancient ritual , but also can reveal the profound significance of contemporary TV anthropology .

  17. 在价值的多层次中统统筹兼顾,在价值的多样性中融合汇通,是中国当代电视文艺实现价值追求的基本路径。

    From the angle of development , the basic path which contemporary Chinese television literature pursues to realize its value is trying to attain higher fusion out of multi level and variety .

  18. 与此同时,我国电视受众的需求也在不断提高,当代电视受众已不仅仅满足于大众化的节目需求。

    Meanwhile , the TV of our country is being improved constantly too by many demands , the contemporary TV has already not merely been satisfied with the popular program demand mainly .

  19. 当代电视体育传播视阈下的出镜记者素养初探&兼与对2008年奥运会我国体育出镜记者的预测性研究

    A Preliminary Research on the Accomplishments of Journalists under Camera in the View of Modern TV Communication of Sports & A Predictive Research on the Chinese Sports Journalists under Camera in the 2008 Olympic Games

  20. 运用大众传播的相关理论,分析了当代电视体育对竞技体育的积极和消极影响,对今后电视体育与竞技体育的发展提出建议。

    This paper use the relevant theories of mass media to analyse the positive and negative influences of TV sports program on sports , and put up suggestion about the further integration of the TV and sports .

  21. 一是当代电视所形成的文化品格,长期以来形成的电视的观念、电视和受众之间的关系也给电视自身的发展带来了危机。

    The other is that modern W and TV related features , such as the TV cultural style , well-formed TV ideology , the relationship between W and its audience , have brought crisis to the TV development .

  22. 婚恋交友类真人秀节目是当代电视审美文化中的典型代表,是在文化全球化的背景下,以视觉转向为前提,展现出的新的审美欣赏习惯和生命体验方式。

    Reality Show Marriage Dating Reality Show Program is a typical representative of the aesthetic culture of the contemporary television , in the context of cultural globalization , new aesthetic appreciation as a precondition , to show the habits and life experiences the way visual steering .

  23. 当代中国电视创作中的空白艺术

    On " Artistic Blank " in Creation of Chinese Contemporary TV

  24. 跨学科视野下的当代历史电视剧

    Current Historical TV Plays in the View of Interdisciplines

  25. 试论当代中国电视剧传播理念的嬗变

    Change of the Ideas of Putting on a TV play in Contemporary China

  26. 当代中国电视文化也出现了诸多文化精神症候,值得学界分析厘定。

    The contemporary Chinese television culture also appeared the crux of much spirit culture which needs scholar 's collate and stipulate .

  27. 本文还认为,运用小景别镜头展示细节,固然给当代中国电视纪录片带来了可视性。

    The essay also points out that the demonstration of the details of little scene lens has brought to Chinese documentary positive influence .

  28. 在乌托邦已然远逝而伊托邦尚未降临的当代,电视作为大众媒介之王全面统摄着我们的生活。

    In contemporary , when Utopia have gone and E-topia have already come , television as the king of mass media comprehensive predominate our lives .

  29. 《黑客军团》是一面时代的镜子,该剧被《福布斯》杂志誉为“今夏最棒剧集,有望成为当代经典电视剧”。

    Hailed by Forbes as " the best show of the summer and on track to be a modern classic , " Mr.Robot is a mirror of the times .

  30. 事实上,当代的电视文化正广泛地影响着其受众乃至整个社会,从事电视文化研究已成为促进社会文化发展的趋势和要求。

    As a matter of fact , modern TV culture has a wide influence on audiences even on the whole society . Reserches of TV culture has become a tendency and demand for accelerating development of social culture .