
dàn piàn
  • shrapnel;shell fragment;splinter;shell splinter
弹片 [dàn piàn]
  • [shell fragment;shrapnel;splinter] 炮弹、炸弹等的金属弹体或弹头在爆炸后产生的碎片

弹片[dàn piàn]
  1. 他两条腿都挂彩了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。

    He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel

  2. 一位医生伸进他肩膀伤口的深处寻找弹片。

    A doctor probed deep in his shoulder wound for shrapnel .

  3. 一辆疏散大巴的司机被弹片炸伤。

    The driver of an evacuation bus was wounded by shrapnel

  4. 他被手榴弹的弹片击中了。

    He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade .

  5. 一块弹片嵌进墙壁里。

    A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall .

  6. 爆炸时,弹片四飞。

    The explosion flung out bits of metal in all directions .

  7. 以立方体弹片作为冲击体,对UHMWPE纤维复合材料进行了大量的弹道冲击实验;

    With the cubic fragment as the impact body , a lot of ballistic impact tests are conducted in the UHMWPE composites .

  8. 小弹片致伤后早期血清肌酸激酶反应

    Changes of Serum Creatine Kinase after Bullet Fragment Injury in Dogs

  9. 弹片杀伤效果的实验与分析

    The Experiment and Analysis of the Lethal Effect of Projectile Fragments

  10. 他因弹片在胸部造成的伤口而死亡。

    He was killed by a shrapnel wound to the chest .

  11. 将压玻璃弹片松开,再将挡光板插入。

    Loosen the glass bracket , then plug the block in .

  12. 犬弹片伤复合烧伤海水浸泡后血液流变学的影响

    Hemorheological effects of projectile-burn combined wound in dogs with seawater immersion

  13. 别起来,否则你会被弹片击中的。

    Keep down or you 'll be hit by shell fragments .

  14. 他被流弹片打中了手臂。

    He was hit in the arm by flying shrapnel .

  15. 有两人被弹片击中,受轻伤。

    Two people were hit by bullet fragments and suffered minor injuries .

  16. 最后画出了弹片与冲击波的整体速度曲线。

    Finally , the whole speed wave curve was drawn .

  17. 有弹片残留在大脑里了。

    He 's got bullet fragments lodged in his brain .

  18. 环氧树脂光弹片的制作

    The Manufacture about the Photoelastic Sheet of Epoxy Resin

  19. 密集弹片群对钢筋混凝土墙体的整体破坏效应分析鲁西前寒武纪基性岩墙群

    Integral damage effect analysis of RC walls under impact of dense fragment cluster

  20. 这儿只有火,没有弹片。

    It is all flash and no fragments here .

  21. 那个弹片就在这几间屋子里面。

    That pick is in one of these rooms .

  22. 弹片迎风面积测量系统研究

    Research on the Measuring System of Fragment Windward Area

  23. 枪发射时,气体或弹片的向后泄出。

    The backward escape of gases or cartridge fragments when a gun is fired .

  24. 机场布满了弹片,在爆炸中丧生的有四名欧洲人和三名中亚人。

    Filled with shrapnel , the bomb killed four Europeans and three Central Asians .

  25. 克莱斯特失去了她的双腿,而她的女儿因为弹片击中而受伤。

    Celeste lost both of her legs , her daughter was wounded by shrapnel .

  26. 大量供应金属弹片与导电膜。

    Provide metal dome and dome arrays .

  27. 弹片挂钩防滑骨孔测深器的研制与应用

    Manufacture and application of anti-slipping depth finder

  28. 一名医院官员表示,大部分伤者被玻璃和弹片割伤。

    A hospital official said most of the injured were cut with glass and shrapnel .

  29. 多数是被弹片击中而受的伤。

    Most injuries resulted from shrapnel wounds .

  30. 这是三年以前的事了,所以那里没有弹片或是什东西。

    This was three years ago , so there was no shrapnel involved or anything .