
  • 网络Bending stiffness
  1. 海洋柔性管作为一种复合材料的管道,它具有弯曲刚度小、质量轻、抗腐蚀以及抗疲劳能力强等特点,在海洋石油工程中已经得到了广泛的研究和应用。

    As a composite structure , offshore flexible pipe has lower bending stiffness , lower weight , better chemical and fatigue resistance compared with steel pipe . So flexible pipes have been widely researched and used .

  2. FRP弯曲刚度的参数分析与结构设计

    Analysing parameters of bending stiffness of FRP and designing its structure

  3. 复杂结构的轴类零件弯曲刚度CAD

    Bending Rigidity CAD of Complex Structure Shaft Parts

  4. 本文讨论7在计算短、粗主轴弯曲刚度时,剪力时这一刚度的影响,给出了在计算剪切挠度时,剪切变形在空心主轴截面上不均匀分布系数X的近似值;

    The effect of shearing on short and thick spindle bending stiffness is discussed .

  5. 卷边薄壁H形截面型钢是近几年提出的新型截面形式,翼缘增加卷边的主要目的在于提高翼缘的屈曲后强度和侧向弯曲刚度。

    Crimping flange of the H-shaped cross-sectional steel is proposed a few years a new cross-sectional form , the main the flanges increase in bead aims to improve the flange buckling strength and lateral bending stiffness .

  6. 通过SAS回归分析得到织物弯曲刚度、弯曲滞后矩与折皱回复角的线性回归方程。

    On this basis , Linear regression equation with bending parameters as independent variables and wrinkle recovery angle as dependent variable was established through SAS analysis .

  7. 提出三维编织CMCs的弯曲刚度模型。

    Bending stiffness model of 3-D braided CMCs is proposed .

  8. 弯曲刚度随t或h增加而增加。⑤弯曲性能随D增加或d减小而提高。最后,进行了拉剪试验。

    Forth , flexural stiffness is increased with the increase of t or h. Fifth , flexural properties are increased continuously with the increase of D or the decrease of d.Finally , tension shear tests were carried out .

  9. 随着热定形温度的提高,WE的热收缩率及弯曲刚度表现出比WP更明显的提高。

    The shrinkage and bending rigidity of the WE fabric showed greater increase than WP as the heat setting temperature was increased .

  10. LRDCIN的弯曲刚度较相同钉体直径GK钉高。

    The bending stiffness of LRDCIN is higher than GK nailing .

  11. 本文在考虑接触导线弯曲刚度的前提下,发展了德国联邦铁路公司(DB)所采用的接触网模态分析方法,并对接触导线的柔索体模型与欧拉梁模型的计算结果进行了比较。

    The catenary modal analysis method adopted by DB with bending of contact wire considered is further studied . The differences between the flexible model and Euler beam model for contact wire are compared .

  12. 结论:4种内固定器中四孔钢板抗轴向扭转性能最好,梅花钉的三点弯曲刚度最强,对于胫骨骨折,Ender钉和矩形钉可以提供较好的稳定作用。

    Conclusion : Four hole plate provides the strongest torsion fixation and quincunx shaped nail provides the strongest bending fixation .

  13. 试验结果表明,内嵌CFRP板条加固混凝土梁能显著提高混凝土梁的极限承载能力和弯曲刚度,有效阻止混凝土裂缝的产生和发展,并对混凝土和钢筋的受力起分摊作用;

    The results show that NSM CFRP can remarkably improve the bearing-capacity and stiffness of RC beams , it can also effectively restrict the crack , and CFRP laminates also share force with concrete and steel bar .

  14. 用有限元法对红旗CA7220轿车白车身的扭转刚度和弯曲刚度进行了研究。

    The torsion and bedding stiffness of Hong Qi CA7220 car body-in-white ( BIW ) were analyzed with FEM .

  15. 通过对此概念模型进行模态、扭转刚度和弯曲刚度分析,并与后期的详细有限元模型的特性参数进行对比,验证了ZJ模型建立方法的可行性。

    The feasibility of the modeling method was validated through analysis of mode , torsion stiffness , bending stiffness of the model , and comparison between characteristic parameters of the later detailed FEA model .

  16. 本文基于斜面法原理搭建出测试织物弯曲刚度Bz的装置,通过标准温湿度下的对比实验讨论了斜面法测得的弯曲刚度Bz与KES弯曲刚度Bk的相关性。

    A device , based on cantilever method , was built to test bending stiffness . The relevance of the bending stiffness measured by device and KES was discussed by comparative experiments in standard temperature and humidity .

  17. 本文针对链上各点处弯曲刚度不同的聚合物分子,建立了变持续长度蠕虫链(WLC)模型。

    In this paper , we established a wormlike chain ( WLC ) model with variable local persistence length to study polymer molecules with different bending stiffness at each point .

  18. 然后提出了考虑拉索垂度、弯曲刚度和倾角等因素影响的黏性阻尼器拉索减振设计方法,修正了Pacheco的设计曲线;

    Taking account of the sag , bending stiffness and inclination angle of cables , the design method for mitigating cable vibration by using viscous dampers is studied , and the Pacheco 's design curve is revised based the new findings .

  19. 第四章介绍了使用BCD-ICAE系统对客车车身结构概念模型进行有限元分析的实例,分别进行了弯曲刚度分析、扭转刚度分析和模态分析,并且简要介绍了相关基本理论。

    The fourth chapter introduces some examples of using BCD-ICAE to perform the FEA on the bus body concept model , including bending stiffness analysis , torsion stiffness analysis and modal analysis . Then this paper briefly introduces the correlation basic theories .

  20. 结果表明,随着ASO-121中氨值的增大,弯曲刚度减小,织物柔软效果增强,表面摩擦系数增大,织物滑爽性能下降,同时白度也降低。

    The results showed that , with increasing the amino value in ASO-121 , the bending rigidity decreased , softening effect of the fabrics increased , the friction coefficient increased , the smooth property decreased , and the whiteness decreased too .

  21. 结果表明,随着ADMPS的氨值的增加,经其整理的棉布的弯曲刚度减小、柔软性增强,折皱回复角增大、弹性提高、抗皱性能增强,吸湿性显著提高,而白度略下降;

    The results showed that when the amino value of ADMPS was increased , the bending rigidity of the treated cotton decreased and its wrinkle recovery angle increased , which enhanced soft hand feel , the elasticity and the anticrease performance of the treated cotton .

  22. 开闭裂纹转子的建模与弯曲刚度特性研究

    On Modeling and bending stiffness properties of rotor with switching crack

  23. 钢筋混凝土梁弯曲刚度简捷计算

    A forthright calculation of bend rigidity of reinforced concrete beam

  24. 毛涤混纺纱弯曲刚度的分析

    Analysis of the Bending Rigidity of Wool - polyester Yarns

  25. 纤维层合板梯度化后对弯曲刚度与层间应力的影响

    Effect of gradient of fiber laminates on flexural rigidity and interlaminar stress

  26. 轿车悬架弹性橡胶衬套弯曲刚度的工程算法

    Engineering algorithm on bending stiffness of elastic rubber bushing of car suspension

  27. 正交异性板弯曲刚度系数的反分析方法

    An Inverse Method for Bending Stiffness of Composite Orthotropic Plate

  28. 考虑弯曲刚度影响的跳线长度计算

    Calculation on length of jumping-line considering influence of bending strength

  29. 振动法测定织物弯曲刚度的探讨

    An investigation of measuring flexural rigidity of fabrics by vibrating reed method

  30. 织物弯曲刚度与弯曲滞后量高度相关。

    Fabric bending rigidity and bending hysteresis is highly relevant .