
  • 网络franks;Francois Brunelle;Trent Franks
  1. 我听见韩芮克当天死之前还在跟弗兰克斯争论。

    I heard Hendricks arguing with Franks the day she died .

  2. 现在不行,我要去问问弗兰克斯。

    Not now . I 'm going to talk to franks .

  3. 艾伦•弗兰克斯:伙计,你能腾出来五分钟吗?

    Alan Frakesh : Hey , do you have five minutes ?

  4. 显然,冯弗兰克斯坦出卖了他的灵魂来换取永生。

    Apparently , von Frankenstein traded in his soul for eternal life .

  5. 这里是自从弗兰克斯掌管这以来。

    Here are patients that were rehabbed and released .

  6. 我只是在想你关于药品和对弗兰克斯的分析。

    It 's just between your theories on the medication , and franks .

  7. 漂亮话什么也证明不了&弗兰克斯。伏尔泰,法国作家和哲学家。

    A witty saying proves nothing & Francois Voltaire , French writer and philosopher .

  8. 他们说是弗兰克斯是因为,弗兰克斯把他们关在这。

    They have it out for Franks because he 's keeping them locked in here .

  9. 在摄影师弗兰克斯-布鲁内尔拍摄的这些照片中,每一张中的两个人都没有血缘关系,但是他们却有着惊人相似的面部特征。

    None of the individuals captured by photographer Francois Brunelle are related by blood , their faces just have strikingly similar characteristics .

  10. “认识吸烟成瘾的遗传学应该有长远意义的重要的全球性健康”,弗兰克斯说,英国牛津大学的新闻发布。

    " Understanding the genetics of smoking addiction should have important implications for global health in the long term ," Francks said in a news release from Oxford .

  11. 弗兰克斯说,他的顾问建议他每次和新老板谈话时,都以“我能帮上什么忙吗?”作为开始和结束语。

    He says his mentor suggested that he start and end every conversation with his new boss , who never had time for him , by asking how he could help .

  12. 不过,这段爱情还是启发他们创作了许多文学佳作,比如玛丽的《弗兰克斯坦》,她构思这篇小说的时间正是1816年,她与雪莱、拜伦伯爵在瑞典度假的时候。

    Still , it would produce some literary masterpieces , including Mary 's classic Frankenstein , which she conceived while on holiday in Switzerland with Shelley and Lord Byron in 1816 . 2 .

  13. 因绰号“威尔德斯坦的新娘”——引自弗兰克斯坦的新娘——而被媒体熟知,乔斯林·威尔顿斯坦据说多年来已经花了近400万美元在整容手术上。最终沦为最失败也最著名的整容上瘾案例之一。

    Known by the press by the nickname of " The Bride of Wildenstein " -- a reference to The Bride of Frankenstein -- , Jocelyn Wildenstein has allegedly spent almost US $ 4000000 on cosmetic surgery over the years , ending up as one of the worst and most famous cases of plastic surgery addiction .