- 网络graviton

Based on perturbative expansion , the contributions to quantum Wilson loop from three-connection field Green functions and from the lowest-order graviton self-energy are calculated respectively .
Curvature Excitation of Three - Graviton Vertex and of Lowest-Order Graviton Self-energy
In this paper we discuss some thermodynamic properties of a rotating and charged stellar object according to the theory of Kerr-Newman 's metric field and VGM ( the Theory of Gravitation by Considering the Vector Graviton Field and Metric Field ) .
Except graviton , all others particles have been found in experiments .
Through the above mentioned way , the gravitational radiation makes space curved .
A theory of gravitation by considering the vector graviton field and the metric field
Time-Like Geodesic Motion in the Outside Space-Time of Vector Graviton Field without Charge and Rotation
A weak interaction between particles that results from their mass ; mediated by gravitons .
From the macroscopic properties of gravity you can work out what the graviton should be like .
There is no graviton .
Neutrinos and the hypothetical gravitons , also massless particles , move at the same speed as light .
According to the " general relativity " predict " graviton " and " gravitational waves " does not exist .
Thus the blending model of industrial tourism consisting of thrust subsystem gravity subsystem , support subsystem , and intermediary subsystem is constructed .
Since the other forces work by exchanging carrier particles , we assume that gravity does too and call the carrier the graviton .
Therefore , objects receive a certain number of gravitons by their own ways so as to make them generate the gravitational radiation constantly .
Prof Wang said the gravitational particle would manifest itself most clearly in a supernova , the most extreme concentration of energy and matter known .
When the mass of axion approaches to zero , the above process expresses some similar characters to the conversion of the photons to the gravitons .
Photons themselves cannot give off gravitons , so there is no mutual attraction between photons and celestial bodies but only the bodies attract the photons .
Hypothesis , such as graviton , universal repulsion , sub-photon sea etc. , all are of defects , having not explain the law of gravitation successfully .
General Relativity Effect of Photon and Graviton with Rest Mass ; Much as relativity subsumed Newtonian physics , a quantum theory of gravity will ultimately subsume relativity .
Different vibrations and colliding models of " strings " are corresponding to various " elementary particles " with different natures , which are certain to include gravitons as well .
If the gravitons are not detached from the photons , there will be the complex of the gravitons and the photons , which is obviously inexistent , because the light remains light after its deflection .
Detecting the particle of feeble coupling ( graviton and axion ) in external electromagnetic field , Physicists use the coupling between magnetic field and feeble coupling particle to produce the perturbative photon flux ( PPF ) .