
yì nénɡ
  • Powers;extraordinary talents;different function
异能 [yì néng]
  • (1) [different function]∶不相同的功用

  • (2) [extraordinary talents]∶突出的能力

  1. Ep<3GeV能区质子反应同质异能态截面比的系统学

    Systematics of Isomeric Cross Section Ratio for Proton-induced Reactions at E_n < 3 GeV

  2. 链状硅酸盐矿物中~(57)Fe同质异能移和二级多普勒移

    Isomer shifts and second-order Doppler shifts of ~ ( 57 ) fe in chain silicates

  3. ~(143)Nd中高自旋同质异能态的识别与研究

    Identification and Study of a High-Spin Isomer in ~ ( 143 ) Nd

  4. 分别具有硅铝比为18.44和4.24的脱铝Ω型分子筛所表现出的催化活性差异能揭示TA或TB酸位的不同贡献。

    It will reveal the distinct contributions of both T_A and T_ B acid sites that the different catalytic activities of zeolite omega with Si / Al ratios 18.44 and 4.24 .

  5. ~(240m)Pu形状同质异能态

    The shape isomer ~ ( 240m ) pu

  6. ~(45)Sc(n,2n)~(44g+m)Sc反应的同质异能素截面比

    The isomeric cross section ratio of ~ ( 45 ) Sc ( n , 2n ) ~ ( 44g + m ) Sc

  7. 用活化法测量了15MeV中子引起~(197)Au(n,2n)反应的同质异能素截面比。

    Isomeric cross section ratio for the ~ ( 197 ) Au ( n , 2n ) reaction at 15 MeV is measured by the activation method .

  8. 受到反射的目标必须通过DC14的意志豁免检定,否则将跳出时间5轮,仿佛受到“时间跳跃”异能的影响。

    A creature meeting its own gaze in the mirror must succeed on a DC14 Will save or be pushed forward in time by5 rounds , as if subject to the time hop power .

  9. 范围内的其他灵能人物若要展现灵能,必须通过DC17的意志豁免或者为每个异能等级额外支付4点灵能点费用。

    Each time other psionic characters within this range attempt to manifest a power , they must succeed on a DC17 Will save or pay4 more points than they otherwise would for each power manifestation .

  10. 论述了高自旋同质异能态束流的物理意义。

    The physical motivations with high spin isomer beams were introduced .

  11. 你队伍中的目标部落生物本回合拥有狂暴异能。

    Target Horde ally in your party has Ferocity this turn .

  12. 你可以挑一道合适的异能或者随机决定。

    You may pick a likely power or determine it randomly .

  13. 中子反应同质异能态截面比的系统学

    Systematics of Isomeric Cross Section Ratio for Neutron Induced Reactions

  14. 这是该异能通常为人所知的名称。

    This is the name by which the power is generally known .

  15. 异能触发:这是灵能石的启动方式。

    Power Trigger : This is the activation method for power stones .

  16. 光子穿透系数及同质异能态俘获截面的研究

    Study on Photon Transmission Coefficient and Capture Cross Section of Isomeric State

  17. 变形核的高自旋同质异能态

    On the isomeric states with high spins in deformed nuclei

  18. 这起源于我的一项异能,法官阁下。

    It springs from a peculiar propensity of mine , your honor .

  19. 高自旋同质异能态束流及其在核谱学中的应用

    High Spin Isomer Beam and its Application in Nuclear Spectroscopy

  20. 感知灵能:你感觉到心灵异能及效果。

    Sense Psionics . You sense psionic powers and effects .

  21. 该系典型异能包括冲击波、物质激灼和物质改造。

    Representative powers include concussion , matter agitation , and matter manipulation .

  22. 区别是心灵异能是类法术能力。

    The difference is that psionic powers are spell-like abilities .

  23. 下面几类特殊异能效果的说明适用于所有相关的异能。

    Certain special power features apply to all powers .

  24. 我们的目标是,随着时间发展,工资差异能逐渐缩小。

    It is our intention that over time the pay gap will close .

  25. 我家的女人都有这异能。

    The women in my family have the gift .

  26. 触发术:设定另一个异能的触发条件。

    Contingency . Sets trigger condition for another power .

  27. 这里给出了伴随该异能的展现产生的异象的种类。

    This gives the type of display that accompanies manifestation of the power .

  28. 心灵异能是一种一次性的心灵效果。

    A psionic power is a one-time psionic effect .

  29. 星质护甲异能对解离术法术或异能呢?

    Does it have any effect against the disintegrate spell or disintegrate power ?

  30. 在这些牌之中,奔崖巨兽具有两个上述的异能。

    One of these cards , Cliffrunner Behemoth , has two of these abilities .