
kāi jiānɡ
  • expand national boundaries
开疆 [kāi jiāng]
  • [pioneer the frontiers] 占领扩大领土

  1. 2011年5月,简于美国宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)沃顿商学院(WhartonSchoolofBusiness)毕业,随后踏上新的征途,帮助初创公司在海外市场开疆扩土。

    Jain graduated in May2011 from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and subsequently launched a new venture to help startups expand their business into foreign markets .

  2. 开疆文化在海南的地域扩散与整合

    Areal Diffusion and Integration of the Frontier Pioneering Culture in Hainan Island

  3. 统治者们希望获得开疆扩土的君主的赞誉,并向更多农民征税。

    The rulers aimed to be exalted as rulers of wider domains and to levy taxes on ever more peasants .

  4. 该文探讨了海南文化的开疆性,质朴、诚信,包容性和多元性以及海岛性征等文化特质。

    The paper analyzes the special features of Hainan Island culture , such as the frontier pioneering , the pluralism and the comprehensiveness .

  5. 最后公孙接和田开疆为他们因区区两只桃而争得不可开交感到十分羞愧,便挥剑自刎了。

    At last Gongsun Jie and Tian Kaijing felt ashamed of arguing fiercely just for two peaches and then committed suicide with their swords .

  6. 在界定海南文化是一种开疆文化的基础上,对其地域扩散与整合进行了研究。

    The paper points out that Hainan culture is a kind of frontier pioneering culture , and focuses on its areal diffusion and cultural integration .

  7. 春秋时期齐国有三位无敌勇士,名叫公孙接、田开疆、古冶子。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , there were three fearless warriors in Qi by the name of Gongsun Jie , Tian Kaijiang and Gu Yezi .

  8. 公孙接、田开疆认为他们的功劳最大就各拿走了一只桃子;而古冶子生气地拔出剑做决斗状。

    Gongsun Jie and Tian Kaijiang thought they were deserved and took one peach each , while Gu Yezi angrily pulled his sword and challenged the other two to a duel .

  9. 忽必烈统治期间多数时间在开疆扩土,征服臣民&在这个过程中,历史学者们说,他打下了当代中国的基础。

    Kublai Khan spent most of his reign expanding his domain and vanquishing pretenders to his throne & in the process , historians say , he laid the foundations of the modern Chinese state .