
  • 网络UCT;the University of Cape Town
  1. 他举了个例子:开普敦大学(UniversityofCapeTown)一位教授每年来阿什里奇授课两个月,多年来一直如此。

    He cites the example of a professor from the University of Cape Town who has taught at Ashridge for two months a year , for many years .

  2. YaliweClarke是南非开普敦大学性学研究的一名讲师。

    Yaliwe Clarke is a lecturer in gender studies at the University of Cape Town in South Africa .

  3. MarkTadross是南非开普敦大学环境与地理科学系的高级研究员。

    Mark Tadross is a senior research fellow in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town , South Africa .

  4. 开普敦大学分子和细胞生物学系的DionneShepherd正在负责培育能够抵抗这种条纹病毒的转基因玉米。

    Dionne Shepherd of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at UCT is leading efforts to genetically engineer a type of maize resistant to the streak virus .

  5. 任教于开普敦大学的Picker教授表示,他们是在一项以苍蝇所目标的研究的过程中所意外发现的。

    Professor Picker , who works at the University of Cape Town , today told how the zoologists discovered the insect by chance as they searched for flies during a research project .

  6. 塞内加尔达喀尔的CheikhAntaDiop大学和最近的南非开普敦大学都走了这条道路。

    The Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar , Senegal and , more recently , the University of Cape Town in South Africa have both followed this route .

  7. 但是开普敦大学医学系主任BonganiMayosi说:“我们必须捍卫我们的利益&科研的未来太重要的,不能留给政府包办”。

    But Bongani Mayosi , the University of Cape Town 's chair of medicine , says : " We must fight our corner & the future of research is too important to leave in the hands of government alone " .

  8. 它在开普敦大学培训来自整个非洲大陆的学生。

    It trains students from across the continent at the University of Cape Town .

  9. 这些测试是对开普敦大学研制的两种候选疫苗进行人累临床试用的第一步。

    The tests are the first step in human clinical trials of two vaccine candidates developed at the University of Cape Town .

  10. 她本打算投身音乐,而后改志上了开普敦大学,获得了政治交际学的学位。

    After at first planning a career in music , she took a degree in political communications at the University of Cape Town .

  11. 她带领了开普敦大学经济学院的艾滋病和社会研究单元,其研究成果发表在《非洲事务》期刊上。

    She directs the AIDS and Society Research Unit at the University of Cape Town School of Economics . Her study is in the journal African Affairs .

  12. 南非36名志愿者将接种非洲研发的抗艾滋病毒疫苗以测试其安全性。这些测试是对开普敦大学研制的两种候选疫苗进行人累临床试用的第一步。

    Thirty-six volunteers in South Africa will test the safety of an African-developed vaccine against H.I.V. The tests are the first step in human s of two vaccine s developed at the University of Cape Town .

  13. 开普敦大学最新研究表明,1/3的南非女性会漂白皮肤,原因就像该国的文化一样多种多样,但大多数女性表示使用美白产品是因为想要“肤色白皙”。

    A recent study by the University of Cape Town suggests that one woman in three in South Africa bleaches her skin . The reasons for this are as varied as the cultures in this country but most people say they use skin-lighteners because they want " white skin . "