
  • Happy face;smile
开心颜 [kāi xīn yán]
  • [rejoice;smile] 开心,开颜

  • 使我不得开心颜。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

  1. 倒不是因为有什么人或事让我不得开心颜,实话说这几天的日程安排和所见之各路人才都已经让我惊喜莫名。

    Not out of annoyance to anyone or anything , both the people and the activities had far exceeded my irrational hopes .

  2. 诺丁汉大学的理查德·唐尼博士说:“老话讲金钱难买开心颜,这可能不全对。但是传统的家庭观念,拥有一个稳定舒适的家庭,经济上有保障,衣食无忧,这些对于获得幸福感都是关键因素。”

    Dr Richard Tunney , of Nottingham University said : " The old saying ' money can 't buy you happiness ' may not be true , but traditional family values , a comfortable home and financial security are clearly key elements to a happy life . "