
jiàn zhù chénɡ bāo shānɡ
  • building contractor;master builder
  1. 我们告诉建筑承包商,我们需要一个能容得下两辆车的车库。

    We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars .

  2. 建筑承包商兼牧师托马斯•雷是路易斯安那州立大学一个名为“Chapel”的教堂的工作人员。

    Thomas Ray , a building contractor and ordained minister , is on the staff of a church called The Chapel on the campus of Louisiana State University .

  3. 该联合企业包括英国最大的一些建筑承包商。

    The consortium includes some of the biggest building contractors in Britain .

  4. 她的父亲是一位建筑承包商,曾当过兵。她在都灵附近的工业城市奥巴斯塞诺(Orbassano)长大。

    Daughter of a building contractor and former soldier , she grew up in the industrial town of Orbassano , near Turin .

  5. 如果你还没雇用建筑承包商,不妨等到六月再雇。

    If you have not hired contractors yet , wait until June .

  6. 当局对建筑承包商提出过失杀人指控。

    Police have registered a case of culpable homicide against the builder .

  7. 该公司现居美国建筑承包商排名第32位。

    It ranks No. 32 among construction contractors operating in the United States .

  8. 世界级品牌建筑承包商横空出世&中国铁路工程总公司跨入世界双500强报道

    Customer : China Railway Engineering Corporation Unveiled of the Construction Contractor with World-class Brand

  9. 建筑承包商施工风险分析与评价

    Risks Analysis and Evaluation about Building Contractors

  10. 声誉对建筑承包商的隐性激励作用

    Reputation 's Implicit Incentive on Construction Contractor

  11. 他成为一位建筑承包商。

    He 'd been a construction contractor .

  12. 阐述了对建筑承包商在施上过程中进行风险管理的具体运用和程序。

    At the same time it illustrates the risk management application and process in the construction stage .

  13. 作为一家建筑承包商,我方每年要建造近100套房屋及二,三座公寓楼房。

    As building contractors we erect about a hundred houses and two or three blocks of flats a year .

  14. 这些接受调查的人包括工作的建筑承包商和开发商,区政府发言人说。

    Those under investigation include people working for the construction contractor and the developer , a district government spokeswoman said .

  15. 在绿色建筑承包商不完全信息静态博弈分析中,提出绿色建筑承包商选择机制。

    From the static weighting analysis of incomplete information of contractors of Green building , the selective mechanism was put forward .

  16. 地下建筑承包商应负责提供图纸与说明中所示的各部位的公用设施接头;

    The substructure Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of various utility connections as shown on the Drawings and Specifications .

  17. 我国建筑承包商在BOQs计价模式改革中的对策研究

    The Study of Countermeasures to the Mode Reform of Valuation with Bill of Quantities in Subcontractor 's View Point in Our Country

  18. 本周一早上,这名受害者被发现无意识地躺在九龙的店铺外,它是中国东北的一名男性建筑承包商。

    The victim , a male building contractor from north-east China , was found lying unconscious outside the shop in Kowloon on Monday morning .

  19. 因而,建筑承包商在项目实施过程的各个阶段将面临各种风险,而在工程项目实施的全过程中,施工阶段的风险最大。

    This characteristic determines that the construction contracting enterprises will face many risks in every stage of the whole process especially in the construction stage .

  20. 尽管大量需求建筑承包商,他估计,大约要五年的时间,他的公司才可能恢复盈利。

    Although construction contractors will be in high demand , he estimates that it will take about five years for his business to again make a profit .

  21. 铺设泥土石板路面将包含在打桩合同中。如有必要,地下建筑承包商负责对其拆除与清理。

    Construction of the mud slab will be included in the Piling Contract . The Substructure Contractor should allow for breaking up and removal as and when required .

  22. 同大多数公司所有者创业初期一样,从建筑承包商到就餐者,都对西蒙-伍德罗夫的信用心存疑虑,因为其连锁餐馆实在太小,而且毫不出名。

    Like many company owners starting out , he suffered a credibility problem with everyone from building contractors to restaurant diners because yo ! Sushi was small and unknown .

  23. 该专业的毕业生能够帮助当地政府、建筑承包商、综合农业企业和生产制造商们规划合理的水利用方式。

    A degree in water resources engineering prepares you to help local governments , building contractors , agribusiness corporations , and manufacturing concerns to plan appropriately for their water needs .

  24. 然而随着国内、国外市场体化,国外一些资金雄厚、技术先进的建筑承包商逐渐进入国内市场,也给国内公路施工企业带来了挑战。

    However , with domestic and foreign market integration , some well-funded , technologically advanced foreign building contractors gradually entering in domestic market , which make a challenge domestic road construction enterprises .

  25. 许多大建筑承包商已建立了他们自己的房屋系统建筑机构,他们常常在同传统的建筑业直接的竞争中在中标方面获得成功。

    Many large building contractors have developed their own organizations of system building for houses and flats , and have often been successful in securing contracts in direct competition with traditional building .

  26. 根据国际工程承包市场和我国对外工程承包商的现状,从六个方面阐述了我国建筑承包商参与国际工程的发展策略。

    In view of the job market of international projects and the status quo of the contractors of China 's foreign projects , development strategies of our contractors ' participation in international projects are expounded from six aspects .

  27. 曾经有一个衣衫褴褛,满身补丁的男孩,跑到摩天大楼的工地向一位衣着华丽,口叼烟斗的建筑承包商请教:”我该怎么做,长大后会跟你一样有钱?”

    There was once a boy in ragged clothes full of patches running to ask a building contractor who wore the finery with a tobacco pipe in his mouth in a construction site of a skyscraper , " how could I become as rich as you when I grow up ? "

  28. 这幢建筑的承包商表示绳索使用仍然是最有效完成工作的方式。

    The building 's contractor , though , says , rope access is still the most efficient way to get the job done .

  29. 相比之下,国内的建筑工程承包商发展历史短,国际化程度低,其核心竞争力明显弱于发达国家的建筑工程承包商。

    In contrast , domestic contractors have a short history and low level of internationalization . Their core competitivenesses are significantly weaker than contractors ' in developed countries .

  30. 调查了某省建筑工程承包商的基本风险,并采用因子分析法,分类分析认为10个基本风险变量可分为4个综合风险因子和3类影响因子。

    The contractor risks of construction projects in certain province are investigated . By means of factor analysis approach , ten essential risk variables are divided into four critical components and three types of influential factors .