
jiàn zhù ɡōnɡ dì
  • construction site;building site
  1. 他在建筑工地上当起了小工。

    He became a hod carrier on a building site .

  2. 来自云南的学生崔庆涛拿到北京大学的录取通知书时,正和父母一起在建筑工地上工作。

    Cui Qingtao , a student from Yunnan , working with his parents on a building site when he got an admission letter from Peking University .

  3. 他在工厂和建筑工地干过苦工。

    He has worked as a labourer in factories and on building sites

  4. 营救人员将一名男婴从12英尺深的建筑工地的深坑里拉出来时,他安然无恙。

    A baby boy is safe after rescue workers pulled him from a 12-foot-deep construction hole

  5. H的确定根据各危险源危险情况综合产生,文章给出了建筑工地主要危险源的评价指标体系。

    The detailed assessment parameters for danger resource were given in the paper .

  6. Clifford和他的朋友再也不会在建筑工地附近玩了。

    Clifford and his pals never will play near a construction site again .

  7. 方法采用调查表对30余个建筑工地流动人口进行艾滋病知识、态度、行为等基线调查,采用发放宣传资料、讲课、防治咨询、发放安全套等进行教育、干预,并采集血标本作HIV抗体检测。

    Methods The investigation of the floating population in more than 30 building sites was done by the investigation forms about the knowledge , opinion and behavior of AIDS . Delivering throwaways ;

  8. 制定粉尘释放通量数值模拟参数化方案,修正适用于西安市建筑工地的DPM模型。

    Establish the parameter scheme to modify DPM model which can be used on building site of Xi'an City .

  9. 救援小组发言人KoMyung-seok在每日早间新闻通报中称,这名潜水员曾在发电站和水?建筑工地工作。

    The diver had worked on power-station and dam construction sites , mission spokesman Ko Myung-seok said at a daily morning briefing .

  10. 多年来,这种餐车(通常都是些破旧不堪的车辆)到建筑工地上兜售一般的廉价食物,主要是玉米面豆卷(tacos)和汉堡。

    For many years the trucks offered cheap basic fare , mainly tacos and burgers from often shabby vehicles , at places such as building sites .

  11. 随着越来越多的机器人在从建筑工地到医院的工作岗位上取代人类——Pepper已被用在商店和家庭,Baxter被用在装配线上——潜在网络攻击的影响也将增加。

    As more robots replace humans in jobs from construction sites to hospitals , with Pepper already being used in stores and homes and Baxter deployed on assembly lines , the impact of a potential cyber attack increases .

  12. 但在苏黎士某建筑工地度过了两年节衣缩食的生活后,瑞士有名的炼乳师及农家奶酪的领军人物罗尔夫比勒(rolfbeeler)费劲周折找到了他,怂恿他再次出山。

    But after a two-year stint on a building site in Zurich he was tracked down by Rolf Beeler , celebrated affineur and champion of Swiss farmhouse cheeses , who urged him to think again .

  13. 目睹了自己所在办公区域建筑工地上的起重机像暴风雨中的树木一样弯下了腰,摩根大通日本首席经济学家菅野雅明(MasaakiKanno)匆匆赶出了一份研究报告,简要罗列了一些可能立刻出现的影响。

    After witnessing construction cranes on a site near his Tokyo office block bowing like trees in the storm , Masaaki Kanno , economist at JPMorgan Securities Japan , dashed off a research note sketching out some immediate likely effects .

  14. 香港建筑工地中决策问题的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research about Decision-making on Construction Sites in Hong Kong

  15. 铺筑材料放在离建筑工地不远的地方

    The pavement is kept not very far from the construction site

  16. 深圳市某建筑工地农民工膳食营养调查

    Nutritional Status of Farmer Workers in a Construction Site in Shenzhen

  17. 从建筑工地传来大量噪音。

    There is a lot of noise from the construction site .

  18. 当心建筑工地危险儿童请勿入内

    Caution : Building sites can be dangerous , children keep out

  19. 它们主要用于矿山和建筑工地,或是从事货物运输。

    They work at mines and construction sites and move goods .

  20. 我要带你去建筑工地看看

    I 'll take you out to see the construction site .

  21. 他在一家餐厅打工并在一个建筑工地做兼职。

    He worked in a restaurant and on a construction site .

  22. 我听说他们在建筑工地处发现一座宝塔。

    I heard they found a pagoda at the construction site .

  23. 布朗校园的西侧全是建筑工地。

    construction work dominates the western edge of Brown 's campus .

  24. 明尼苏达全境怕是有数以百计的建筑工地。

    There must be hundreds of construction sites all over Minnesota .

  25. 这里是建筑工地,不经允许你是不能进入的。

    This is a construction site and you 're not allowed .

  26. 工人们在建筑工地上搭起了保护障。

    The workers put up a blockade at the building site .

  27. 城市建筑工地蚊虫孳生现状的调查研究

    Study on Breeding of Mosquitoes at the Constructing Sites in Urban Area

  28. 能源城市建筑工地环境噪声管理与对策

    Environmental Noise Management of Construction Site In Energy City And Its Countermeasures

  29. 我放弃了细数这里的建筑工地上耸立着多少起重机的念头。

    I give up counting the cranes towering over building sites here .

  30. 对某建筑工地一起漏电事故的分析

    Investigation of an electric leakage accident at a construction site