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láng miào
  • the imperial court
廊庙 [láng miào]
  • [the imperial court] 指朝廷

  • 夫谋之廊庙,失之中原,其可乎?--《国语.越语下》

  • 廊庙之宝,弃于沟渠。--《后汉书.孟尝传》

  • 廊庙无才天下求

廊庙[láng miào]
  1. 厉于廊庙之上,以诛其事。

    Be stern in the council-chamber , so that you may control the situation .

  2. 中国的文人,廊庙意识一向很重,缺乏独立精神。这与经济政治制度有关。

    Chinese scholars had the tendency to attach themselves to the official ideology and lacked independent spirits , which was related to the economic and political system .

  3. 自从转向市场经济后,文人渐有走出廊庙,面向市场的趋势,相对地增加了自由度。

    Since the shift of emphasis on market economy , the scholars have gradually detached themselves from the official ideology and started to face the market , and thus gained more freedom .