
  1. 我不知道为什么那么多康师傅方便面在美国买不到;

    I don 't know why so many of them aren 't available in the US ;

  2. 这是几个月前我拿到的康师傅方便面中的一包——真正的惊喜。

    This is one of them I got a couple months ago - a real surprise .

  3. 我从沃尔马超市出来,提着一包卫生纸还有一包康师傅方便面。

    I came out from WallMart , with a bag of bumf and some noodles in my hand .

  4. 真的,我对你的爱就像康师傅方便面一样绵绵无绝期!

    Really , I love you like Master Kong instant noodles the same period of rain , no never !

  5. 然而在美国这边真的找不到康师傅方便面,这真是很糟糕。

    You really can 't find any Master Kong noodles here in the United States which is a real bummer .

  6. 康师傅方便面不太好的地方就是似乎没有说明烹饪时应该添多少水。

    What 's tough about Master Kong packs is that they don 't seem to say how much water to add in .

  7. 魏应充所在家族拥有顶新国际集团,在饮食行业涉猎广泛,尤其是在中国大陆,集团出品的康师傅方便面随处可见。

    Mr. Wei 's family owns the Ting Hsin International Group , which has broad interests in the food industry , particularly in China , where its Kang Shi Fu instant noodles are ubiquitous .

  8. 四月,康师傅宣布方便面成本上涨14%,那是继去年11月来第三次提价了。

    In April , Master Kong announced a14 per cent increase of its instant noodle cost-that was their third price hike since last November .

  9. 北京一家超市中码放的康师傅和统一企业方便面。作为“康师傅”方便面品牌的持有者以及百事公司(PepsiCoInc.,PEP)的合作伙伴,康师傅控股在提交给香港交易所的中期财报中列举了今年以来的部分重要营销活动,具体如下:

    Tingyi , owner of the ' Master Kong ' noodle brand and a partner with PepsiCo Inc. , lists some of its promotional highlights so far this year in its report to the Hong Kong stock exchange , including :