
  • 网络therapists
  1. 许多人发现下蹲练习困难,尤其如果他们没有一位康复师或者训练伙伴。

    Many people find squatting exercises difficult , especially if they do not have a physical therapist or a partner to train with .

  2. 方法总结近年来我关节外科中心开展的13例原发性冻结肩关节镜下松解手术,术后在一系列的护理措施和专业康复师的协助下完成康复训练。

    Methods A retrospective analysis of 13 patients with primary frozen shoulder , who underwent arthroscopic lysis and was processed with systemic nursing and rehabilitation training , was performed .

  3. 社区工作者,养老护理师,康复护理师,家政服务员,康乐服务员。

    Community workers , the old-age care division , the division of rehabilitation care , home attendants , recreation attendants .

  4. 结论:农村精神分裂症患者家庭-社区康复治疗能够改善其精神病性症状,减轻阴性症状,减轻其社会功能残疾程度,并能培养患者家属成为家庭中不走的康复师。

    Conclusions : The family of rural schizophrenias-community rehabilitation can improve the psychotic symptom , lower the negative symptom and lower the degree of disability , meanwhile , train the family member of patient as a rehabilitation physician .