
miào yǔ
  • temple;court
庙宇 [miào yǔ]
  • [court] 供神佛或历史上名人的处所

庙宇[miào yǔ]
  1. 仔细考察这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。

    Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple .

  2. 这座庙宇由大理石柱支撑。

    The temple is supported by marble columns .

  3. 我没有走进庙宇,只是从外面看了一下。

    I didn 't go into the temple ─ I only saw it from the outside .

  4. 坐落在威尔士边界乡村里的印度庙宇看上去相当突兀。

    The Indian temple is an incongruous sight in the Welsh border country .

  5. 灯彩装饰着庙宇。

    The temples are festooned with lights .

  6. 这处庙宇最引人注目的是一座为纪念佛陀而修建的宏伟的大理石塔。

    The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha

  7. 庙宇的大部分都被毁坏了,但其正面及后面的大厅还保存完好。

    Much of the temple was ruined , but the front was whole , as well as a large hall behind it

  8. 奴隶们正在庙宇的柱子上刻凹槽。

    The slaves were fluting the pillars of the temples .

  9. 神藏在庙宇壁龛的最深处。

    The deity was hidden in the deepest recesses of the temple .

  10. 唐朝时,南岳衡山上有一座观音庙,庙宇庄严,香火缭绕。

    In the Tang Dynasty , there was a Guanyin ( Avalokitesvara ) Temple on the Southern Mountain of Hengshan . The temple was stately and solemn , with incense1 smoke curling all around .

  11. n.庙宇;寺院;太阳穴人们去寺院里祈祷。

    temple The people went to the temple to pray .

  12. 在奉献者们电话求助莫斯科的庙宇之后,他们立刻登陆COM寻求国际救援。

    The devotees called the temple in Moscow , where they immediately went on COM appealing for international help .

  13. n.奇异的幻想;妄想这栋房至庙宇式的外型,是一位富人的奇想。……

    vagary The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man 's vagary .......

  14. 也要避免在一些被认为是神圣或需要沉思的地方谈话——比如欧洲的教堂、泰国的庙宇和芬兰的桑拿浴室。Keepquiet!

    Also avoid conversations in places a country might consider sacred or reflective -- churches in Europe , temples in Thailand , and saunas in Finland . What You Should Do Instead

  15. 我们探访了古寺院的庭院与庙宇,此时僧侣们正用号角、鼓乐以及小法号(kangling,用人的大腿骨做成,吹奏哀乐之用)举行法会。

    We explored the courtyards and temples of the ancient monastery as monks performed rituals with horns , drums and a mournful pipe called a kangling , made from human thigh bones .

  16. 他在庙宇附近叫卖他的商品以得到好运。

    He huckstered his goods near the temple for good luck .

  17. 这座桥是通向庙宇的必经之道。

    The only access to the temple is across the bridge .

  18. 古埃及法老-拉美西斯二世用大块岩石所建的两栋庙宇。

    Pharaoh Ramses II built two temples here out of rock .

  19. 这座庙宇是古希腊的一大骄傲。

    The temple is one of the glories of ancient greece .

  20. 他为你建了许多庙宇。

    He has built many temples and dedicated them to you .

  21. 城市的萌芽是历史上的庙宇阶段。

    The beginning of cities is the temple stage of history .

  22. 她在这里建造了一个庙宇花园,由几座庙宇组成。

    Here she created a temple garden and constructed several temples .

  23. 庙宇最让人惊叹的地方是一座巍峨的宝塔。

    The temple 's most breathtaking feature is a towering pagoda .

  24. 你们大多数的寺院是佛教庙宇,对吧?

    Most of your temples are Buddhist , aren 't they ?

  25. 这座庙宇已恢复成古时候金碧辉煌的样子了。

    This temple has been restored to its ancient glory .

  26. 内格夫成为许多庙宇和教堂的宗教中心。

    The Negev became a religious center with many monasteries and churches .

  27. 他在他的整个帝国中到处兴建神殿和庙宇。

    Across his empire , he built temples and monuments .

  28. 我像一位走近庙宇的朝圣者一样再往近走。

    I edged closer like a pilgrim approaching a shrine .

  29. 这座庙宇经过修整已面目全非了。

    The temple has been restored out of all recognition .

  30. 这个庙宇是我的家族一千年前建的。

    This temple was built by my family a thousand years ago .